Join the Dots

StoryDots are short paragraphs pulled together in a story.  The story can be continued by anyone in any direction which readers can like or dislike.  

This is the first stage of testing.

A day not irl
Incomplete, and very little done. The day drifted by without much of anything getting out...

The tool
I rather like this tool, it is very useful.  Well, I find it useful though this may...

No good help
Something seemed to be amiss, just not quite right. There seemed to be a long time and...

The Knob
Variations of today show an equally productive day but this one had a little laughter,...

I am both, are you
Somewhere in these swirling mire of thoughts drifting about my brain is a conflict...

Monkey Life
The monkey catcher must have many a day when there is not a single monkey, days filled...

Emotional calm sea
Hidden below, hidden beneath the emotional calm sea is a moment of realisation that would...

An Empty Underbelly
I wonder if there is a seething underbelly to my emotional calm seas which is volotile...

Need more iron
A naked image dripping with anger and disappointment, shown in the wire figure emaciated,...

Disorganised, a day slipped by with a fairly good collection of ticks in the completed...

More to come
Now seems to be the age at which I shall be experiencing, learning about, discovering the...

Twelve point
There is something a little silly about dedicating more time to watching something that...

Uncouth validation
At the end of what should be a satisfactory day of achieving targets and being productive...

My dear cock
So, there was a challenge, and perhaps the joy was not quite competing in the challenge...

It slips away
It slips away, and then all we have left is the view of the seaside rolling clouds...

Uncomfortably Numb
The weight in the belly, pressing out, weighing me down, forming a slight feeling of sick...

A little proud
And then I recounted an achievement of yours, and it was in the telling I realised how...

We have to keep working
I fear all I have left in this, how shall we say, distraction, maybe, that I call life...

It is important to listen to the things they say are bad about you, the things they find...

The fine art of surfacing was not what I was hoping for, it followed the thing I thought...

And now, as these stiff fingers type out this note, the aches are all I have left, the...

Fascist idea
So, what is this fascist idea, is it a tendency in us, or is it a distorted idea based on...

Dance, oh beautiful dancer, twirl, strut, and defy that which defines all of us: gravity,...

I don't seem to be able to get a clear description flowing in my head about this...

Myths schmyths
There should be more aspirational tales for the sideman, the beta, the supporting...

The secret
What is this normal, what do I want this normal to be? This emptiness that may be the gap...

Get thee behind
And subtly, slowly, the story changes from one about the difficulties of maintaining a...

November 22
The wind blows the rain to the core, making the fool who went out without enough layers...

Trying again
Another late night, moments and resolutions discarded and ignored, if only I were to have...

My, how time ... Hang on, that is not the point.  Yes it was a good day working but...

Then there was the assumption I made, the decision was based on fluff, not taking the...

Feels like home
Like for everything there is a season, perhaps for everyone there is a place, should we...

A clock goes tick tock but the sound of wasting time is tiktok.  But taking the time...

Twice v half
Sometimes it is better to do half as much twice as often than to do twice as much half as...

Stress distress
It can be amusing watching a stressed person try to complete a complex task, a complex...

Inconsistent synapses
I wonder, sometimes, if I could possibly be wrong, perhaps, inside, somehow, the...

And another thing
Notes and ideas for investigation and entertainment, perhaps even inspirations for other...

The eight core emotional states in Plutchik's typology are: terror, amazement, grief,...

What ruler
What can I learn from the many hours I have invested in this, what is the ruler I should...

Post-orgasmic lull
And I thought, this is a great build up, this is going to be monstrously magnificent...

Past thrill
What a little moment of excitement, a drawing purchased for more than before, I asked for...

Style and styles
Styles of art, who has the voice, is it the commercial companies offering the opportunity...

I always felt like this is where I belong, she said, and in some ways she is talking...

Then come the moments when sadness seems to truly be nothing more than a chemical...

The unexpected
Sometimes the unexpected happens, I guess that is what the gambling industry relies on....

Bird thoughts
To be noticed, to be noticed and thought on, thought provoking, thoughts leading to...

Little notes
Little notes may be a way to practice, to sharpen my metaphor, to find phrases and turns...

Eating cookies
How time flies when you're eating cookies, beautiful, delicious cookies, just the...

Who but I
Waiting for a change, waiting for a miracle.  It is I that must change, it is I that...

Deep it
Don't you find that time travels so swiftly when you are deepening thought, perhaps...

Judged by your cover
The thing about books is they are a sign, the reader can be decoded by understanding the...

Damn things
There is no reason why they shouldn't continue to operate in the way it has in the...

If she asks tell her I gave you ice-cream, sometimes it can all be a little confusing...

December 22
Twenty two is in the last run, all that rains is festivity and party, present and feasts,...

Torn to pieces
And she asked again, by this time I was paying her scanty attention, and though I knew...

Long and strange
What does it mean anyway? Discombobulated, I guess that is how I feel but I would have to...

Just do more
Weary, and at the end of the day I feel like there is no movement towards doing anything...

Darkness spiral
And now adding colour, do you remember the meat packing glitteratti?  Do you...

Appearing denuded
Posturing, covering up the insecurities and fears with bravado, but perhaps I should no...

More Disciplined
And again the time between clearing and cleaning after the meal and an early night seems...

Biological machines
Is monogamy such a strange concept, is it like a whale stranded in the high street, is it...

Asleep story
Sometime later I will awaken into this story, then I shall only remember the other, not...

Sleep story
Sometimes, not often, I feel like I haven't slept no matter how long I have slept...

The disconnect
There seems to be this disconnect between the reality as I observe it, the hierarchy and...

Game of Tag
What I would like to say is there is nothing you can do to help or make it better, but...

Take and give
The fine art of a conversation, it is about bringing together the moment while keeping...

There was a small flutter, a tiny distraction, then we were left without an option, when...

False economy
So what is this all about, this guilt I feel about having an easy life only to be...

Significant Aggregates
What is it all about, so what is the significance of this moment, what is the sum of...

There was a time of laughter, and there was a time without. Sometimes it feels like the...

Of concequence
When I was young I was the person in the book wanting to tell my life through poems I was...

Silent story
The silent twins had each other to talk to and other than a stoned moment or two it was...

Flying and floundering
When having fun, like those folks in the Argentine capital, then the time flies. Today it...

Close to the idea
There is a place, on the mainland of their world, where education aims to develop well...

Annoying contentment
And so soon we will be embarking on another cooking adventure, but it will be just the...

Ear ache resolution
This is now when the next starts, this is this and that is that, but while I know that I...

Push and now push
And now we push, and now we push, and maybe it feels like I have been pushing for so long...

Left behind
And then it felt like I belonged, but maybe it was just the warmth of the red wine...

In my eyes only
There is a great deal of satisfaction to be gained from fixing and reusing, be it the...

Priorities change
Sometimes, although more often than I would like to admit, I find myself terribly...

Ritually Speaking
Habits and rituals have such a strong place in lubricating the social, when there has...

Not this time
There were moments in the pleasure when I felt a sadness, a loss, a general premonition...

Existential despondency
Existence is said to inspire an angst, a dread, a deep anxiety usually an unfocused...

End and Begin
Shortly it will be the moment when we change the number on the year when we write it on...

January 23
So, the time of generating resolutions is here, this arbitrary point when a digit changes...

A collection of thoughts in 2022, I may come back to look at these soon.  See ya,...

Meaningful meaning
Perhaps a good thing to occupy this year would be a search for meaning.  Perhaps a...

First flirt
Perhaps meaning can be found in feeling good, hedonism is such an appealing...

Emotional fortress
To figure out the meaning of it all we need to understand the negative, need to work out...

Rage in red
Rage, anger and annoyance at the core of this, the red petal of Plutchik's flower...

This narrative
One of the most important things is to write, is to turn the idea into a narrative that...

No difference
Getting the words spoken was so hard, so very hard, I thought I would not be able to say...

Spirit of Mediocrity
Distinctly mediocre, what is this tedium, this lack of ability to take on the story and...

Here is an idea, young bull elephants wander about in herds, one day the will move onto a...

Undiscerning Audience
I think, sadly, my dear little collection of notes, that you are not as satisfying an...

Vigilance in Orange
Vigilance in orange with anticipation and interest filling out the petal while...

YouTube Sport
The finest thing about armchair sports is when the favourites win.  I favour the...

Lying life
The lying life of adults is a fine story, pieces wrapped up and balanced, but is the kind...

Ecstasy in yellow
Ecstasy with joy and serenity are the fulfilling emotions found on the yellow petal,...

Admiration in sap green
Admiration with trust and acceptance form the sap green petal with joy and trust forming...

Well told
A story is in the telling, the facts lend themselves to a particular interest but the...

A momentary beauty
There is beauty, there is life to be lived, there is just a certain amount of time, then...

Mediocre Gatsby
What a load of malarkey, a requited unrequited love story in which the upper class slams...

Terror in green
Terror, fear and apprehension form the green petal of Plutchik's flower, on the one...

Amazement in turquoise
Amazement, surprise and distraction are the turquoise petal with fear and surprise...

Grief in blue
Grief, sadness and pensiveness form the blue petal with surprise and sadness combining as...

Loathing in purple
Loathing, disgust and boredom form the purple petal boarded by sadness and disgust...

Stories short and long
Short stories and flash fiction mostly, some other writing that might be a little...

Flash fiction
Very short stories, distractions of just a few minutes.

Fine writing
Quietly, quietly, and there is day that slips away, quietly.  Then at the end a few...

Quick, just a few moments rushing through and then we didn't relax and enjoy it, no...

Do it
Getting things done, doing it, being on top.  The problem is I find as time goes by...

A hill of beans
It is nice to be able to look at the thing, even if the thing is something as small as a...

Good thing
Well, well, I have sold quire a few drawings this week, enough to make me think I am...

On the one hand I am using this wonderful hand held device to make these notes for future...

Illustrated adult
I flicked through an illustrated book and thought, yes, it would be fine to have...

I have watched All's Quiet on the Western Front and it is overwhelmingly draining to...

Images on the march
So, my image can be retweeted, or forwarded in a story, it can be put in a search engine,...

Amoral Tales
Short graphic stories based on ideas in Aesop's fables often keeping the animal heads...

The Mountain in Labour
The mountain was a beauty, though she shall not be named in this story. The...

The labour started slowly with gentle moans like a rumour of a deflowering.

Worried and bemused passersby gathered as the moans turned into groans.

February 23
Mostly this month I will be reading, this month and the next I have twenty books... ...

The gathering crowd whispered their excited expectations of a thrilling display.

As the moans turned to gasps and screams the crowd cheered louder and louder...

Nothing, but a tiny mouse slipping away barely noticed by the spectators.

And in that remaining nothingness, the grumbling crowd went back to their mundane,...

A tiny tale
And there it is, a full day's work an I have half a dozen doodles that just might...

The big read
It has started, I felt a little tingle as I opened the package and saw the cover. It was...

Night marks
And now I take this time away from my sleep, now I catch this late game and cheer, cheer,...

Compliment confetti
I am far better at doing nice things than at saying nice things.  I wonder what it...

Alcohol and you
Karla was a gripping yarn, it nicely drew the tension between the characters, alternating...

In control
I must remember to thank her, she so often, it seems, comes up with the right suggestion...

Getting On
Today was a day for getting on with it.  It did not matter that I was feeling...

Owl Cat
A good story, but not quite a better story.  A good fable about a man who falls in...

Certainly uncommon
There is one side of the story where I say if I am not part of the family then I...

Blah blah blah
New found repetition of bad habits, here I sit eating pointless calories while I watch...

Mr Birthday
In a rather nice moment I was writing was invaded by a shaggy dog story, and although it...

Sunday coffee feeling
Today was not the day, today was just a day of feasting and relaxing.  The small...

The Time Grinder
I was staring at this woman's arse when time ground to a halt.  She wore a pair...

Listing a plan
It is all such a lot of fiddle.  Starting to do something means getting ready to do...

A competent tale
I wonder, is there really a need to retell the story of Frankenstein by placing it a few...

The Cock and the Jewel
The cock as searching for food for himself And his hens When he found a...

The Cock was searching for food for himself

And for his hens

When he found a beautiful precious stone

Raise a glass
I remembered this day, the one that should be remembered, but it was not marked, it...

So Very Nothing
So, I said something nice, I thought of something tht I could say and I said it. ...

"How dull." the cock said

If the owners had found it they would have cheered

And set it in their finest jewelry 

But I would rather have a grain of barley

And the hens nodded.

Lost, not lost
There are a number of voices out there giving us the brown experience, I read this great...

Searching for a voice
I spent much of today drawing a graphic story, it is the second trifling little outline...

And what shall I do at moment when I reach for the distraction, that waste of time, than...

Phallic knobs
What are the rules of change? Are they as simple as believing the decoded word found in...

Things get done
So once again I have stayed up later than I felt comfortable with but this time it was...

The precipice
Sometimes when I am at the precipice, when I look over my knees become week and my head...

Busy lives
And we do, we have busy lives.  Business that sometimes stops us from being clever,...

So I did
I thought about mentioning the amount of stuff that got done today, the number of young...

March 23
This month I will have to read even more novels than I did last month if I am to finish...

Seeing depression
When asked if I am depressed I have to think am I depressed, shall I let this wave of...

Busy busy crash
Well now, the end of the week is here, and what a long week it has been.  Many, so...

Life book
Treating onther people the way you want them to treat you is all well and noble, but...

On tyranny and excuses
THE WOLF AND THE LAMB /ˈtɪrəni/ cruel and oppressive government...


One day met Lamb in a dark corner of the field

all alone

Now Wolf is a fair wolf and would not eat Lamb without a good reason so he said: Last...

Sir, you mistake me for another, I was not born last year.

Well, you eat the grass on my field without permission! boomed Wolf.

Sir, you mistake me for another, I have not yet tasted grass.

Well,you drink from my well without permission! growled Wolf.

Sir, you mistake me for another, I have only drunk mother's milk.

Well, all your clever answers won't keep me from my supper, muttered Wolf as he...

Once again we go over the same arguments, once again, but I am not sure if we deepened...

Sometimes when overwhelmed by the weariness, sometimes it can be a bit confusing and...

Total Demolition
Watching the fine athletes doing something fantastic on the field and how magnificent...

The Cohens
New voices saying new things, it was the beat poets, or lkj, or, well, there is always a...

Nothing special
Today wasn't anything special, it wasn't a realisation, or a revolution, it was...

Indeed, what a delight it was to chat again.  Like I was drifting, lost, floating...

Digestion digression
A good conversation makes the dinner sit better, perhaps it is all in the mind in...

Silly sausage, too much sitting watching the Tele with the final day of all that brawn,...

Ache and pain
Could it be that I ache for any movement and ache for sitting still or lying down. ...

Always tired
Tired.  It must be quite a thing to have a prolonged illness that forces the patient...

So, to sketch in black and a single colour I will choose a simple image so making it...

Remember me
The thing is about doing my thing and being myself but at the same time making sure that...

Sometimes life is nothing more than steps from one practical matter to the next. ...

This was today
There is a strange leisurely joyfulness to be found in doing rather dull things...

Believe it
Strangely, while painting the walls, the cupboard started questioning my...

Ambition for breakfast
The day started with great ambition, as should all days for if there is no ambition at...

Mark My Card
Are your cards a meditation or a prediction.  Do the cards know your fate, do they...

Ace of Swords
Clarity in reason and communication, in air.

Ace of Staves
Creation in creativity and action in fire

Ace of Cups
Intimacy in emotions and intuition in water

Ace of Coins
Prosperity in materiality and success in earth.

One of Swords
Conviction, determination, strength and triumph in reason and communication in...

One of Staves
Beginning, starting anew, an adventure or enterprise in creativity and action in...

One of Cups
Abundance, fertility, fulfilment in emotions and intuition in water.

One of Coins
Perfection, prosperity, bliss, extensive wealth materiality and success in earth.

Two of Swords
Balance but in the case of tension, a stalemate in reason and communication in...

Two of Staves
Travel, bravery to venture down new paths in creativity and action in fire.

Two of Cups
Emotional partnership, connection, a union in emotion and intuition in water

Two of Coins
Occupation, signaling skills with words, translation, communication in materiality and...

Three of Swords
Disappointment, rejection, seperation, betrayal in reason and communication in...

Three of Staves
Commerce, practicality or useful knowledge, specialized skill in creativity and action in...

Three of Cups
Resolution, conclusion, the closing of a chapter, celebration in emotion and intuition in...

Three of Coins
Mastery, artistic or creative skill, recongnition or accolades, in materiality and...

Four of Swords
Retreat, filling the well, rest, seclusion in reason and communication in air.

Four of Staves
Stability, romantic harmony, tranquility and enjoyment in creativity and action in...

Four of Cups
Aversion, disapppointment, an inability to move past or through something, in emotion and...

Four of Coins
Hoarding, possessiveness, stinginess in materiality and success in earth

Joy of an idea
So this is something that happens.  I have an idea, and at that point there is...

April 23
Another month slipping into this year, and, sure, I am going to read numerous more books,...

Five of Swords
Conquest, defeat, self-interest in reason and communication in air.

Five of Staves
Conflict, competition, rivalry, jealousy in creativity and action in fire

Five of Cups
Instability, emotional instability, loss of friendship, incomplete connection in emotion...

Five of Coins
Destitution, financial loss or ruin, destitute, adversity or insecutiry in materiality...

Six of Swords
Transition or travel, voyage, overcoming of moving beyond, in reason and communication,...

Six of Staves
Triumph, conquest, the realisation of a goal, in creativity and action in fire

Six of Cups
Nostalgia, memory, past experience, sometimes overwhelming in emotion and intuition, in...

Six of Coins
Charity, philanthropy, generosity, the impulse to give, in materiality and success in...

Seven of Swords
Endurance, perserverance, fortitude, the ability to endure in reason and communication in...

Seven of Staves
Success, overcoming the odds, winning negotionations, in creativity and action in...

Seven of Cups
Inability to realise a passion, unrealistic expectations, daydreaming dreaming in emotion...

Seven of Coins
Ingenuity, inventiveness, gain, discovery of treasure in materiality and success in...

Rye Lane
A thing to be appreciated is witty dialogue that appears to be light and frivolous but,...

Is this real enough
IRL, I am not sure I do anything much either in or out of real life.  Once you have...

Eggshell Pale
Eggs, sorry, I mean egg shells, like treading on eggshells.  What a silly saying,...

Oh doubter
Set those plans, make them bright and bold and then maybe, if you're lucky, you will...

Eight of Swords
Turmoil, conflict, restriction or limitation, in reason and communication in air

Eight of Staves
Swift action, haste towards goals in creativity and action in fire

Eight of Cups
Depart, abandonment of effort, leaving behind, departure in emotion and intuition in...

For a bit
I guess the first thing about making a change is deciding to make a change.  But...

Where is my mind
I guess it would be silly to write a note about not being able to make a decision without...

Not much more
In Damascus there was a war, and the Damascus Station gave a reasonable, readable story...

Clever enough
And so the day is filled with small tasks making a minor difference, this is, of course,...

There are so many good books published every year, there are so many g9d stories to...

Grasp it
But now I seem to be dead already, perhaps I have a couple score remaining but this is...

When I was younger, young, even, I would get worked up by these little things, blow up,...

So it is not about finding those clever, clever words that communicate an idea, a core...

Fix it
Fixing the problem can be quite tricky and take a lot of time and repetition (always the...

Without a reason, just for the hell of it.  Maybe I should find that hard rain, or...

To dream
Swish swosh, there was a time I struggled to fall asleep.  For weeks I found...

Ta da
Then there was a hard times, they are telling us again on the radio that this is a hard...

Full length
There is a story I wrote a few years back.  Full length.  It has quirky details...

Eight of Coins
Skills, craft, apprentiship, handiwork, diligence in materiality and success in...

Focal distance
Concentrate, to concentrate you must close your eyes and listen to your breath, in, out,...

Nine of Swords
Despair, heartbreak and anxiousness in reason and communication in air

Nine of Staves
Vigilance, anticipation, grit, awareness in creativity and action in fire.

Nine of Cups
Victory, abundance, material success and gain in emotion and intuition in water.

Nine of Coins
Plenty, accomplishments, prudence and material comfort in materiality and success in...

Ten of Swords
Defeat, misfortune, and loss of energy in reason and communication in air

Ten of Staves
Burden, responsibility, pressure in creativity and action in fire

Ten of Cups
Family, virtue, harmony and contentment I. Emotion and intuition in water 

Ten of Coins
Legacy, affluence, ancestry and inheritance in materiality and success in...

The Fox and the Crane
Fox invited Crane for dinner but served bean soup in a broad flat dish the soup...


invited Crane for dinner

In turn Crane

but served bean soup in a broad flat dish

the soup fell out of Crane's long bill

and Crane was vexed

and Fox amused.

which suited the long necked Crane


from a flagon with a tall narrow mouth

and left fox hungry

Both sides
So thinking about it, I am sure I have noted it before but I cannot expect other people...

And Crane laughing.

Higher baby
There will be a time when I wake in the morning with the openness to embrace the new day...

Young men
The edge of violence excites young men before they understand other forms of...

After many guesses at what a bodega means to the folk of NY brought about by references...

Doing me
Closer, but still a forgetful slip of the imagination leaves me no more settled in my...

Play again
Allegiance, what is this weird thing?  I don't use the pronoun we when it comes...

Telling tales
What is it I want?  Is it that impossible thing I believed was my birthright, that...

May 23
A fitting way to start a new month is to take the next step, one foot in front of the...

Ho Hum
All day I thought about my diet, I thought about simply eating less, or eating carrots...

A Lonely Voice
It is a funny old story, twisting and turning on a great arc only to get back to where it...

Surprisingly easy
Long.  It must have been twenty minutes walking, thinking about the badness,...

So tired
Slightly tired, more than slightly, but the great thing about tired is it lowers...

The drift
Discombobulation, disorientation, but sitting with a slightly louche demeanour awaiting...

There is an awkward imbalance, I think it would be so simple for the rule to be laid...

Without, just without
Wound, not like a spring, no, the rubber band has stretched its way into a groove,...

Fat and dull
Where did it go, there was something meaningful, something worth taking about tomorrow,...

Striving for truth
Truth, a strange and slippery thing. Sometimes it can be so bold, so that everyone...

Another game
It is in the games we play, board games, that is.  The games which give us a moment...

Bottoms up
Up in space we have our little habits, here we we raise a glass, a rather nice red wine...

Flat line
Dumn, du dumn, du dumn, there is a little shuffle and the day goes on, on and on, and...

Subtle art
Once again it is all getting a little slower, a little more, a little more and then we...

Always expected
They said the troubles, they said apartheid, they said it was different, and it was,...

There are many times in which this modern life has taken to celebrating mediocrity, but...

Porn dad
And he reaches for porn whatever is to hand, and what is at hand is the porn tubes, he...

Keep talking
I suspect it is all really simple: all you got to do is keep.saying stuff and you will...

Cross-dressing mother hen
And so, perhaps like the great many, I grew thinking I was the alpha male, the strong...

On deception and gullibility
THE THEIF AND THE INNKEEPER /dɪˈsɛpʃn/ the action...

Innkeeper had a lovely new coat hung on the back of a chair.

Thief sat next to it and let out a frightful yawn which ended in a wolf howl.

Innkeeper asked: Why do you howl so?

Thief said: I know not, however when I howl a third time I turn into a man-eating...

This said, let out another frightful yawn-howl.

Please, begged Thief, hold my clothes so I don't tear them when i change.

Oh no, Innkeeper laughed nervously.

Stripping trousers into a bag Thief let out a third frightful yawn-howl.

OH NO, shrieked Innkeeper running away.

Thief laughed, donned the wolf mask and the lovely new coat, zipped up the bag and went...

I sought the time to read today, but all I managed was a chapter in the morning and...

But is it mine?
Let's get back to that painting: I was working from a list of words, themed...

Dot dot
There are so many ways to pass the time without anything to show for it when the time is...

Edit list
List, listi Mac list list, come to mey darling littlemsrt of structural.form, sort out my...

When I decided to post my sketches online I scrolled for suitable tags, one of the tags I...

Fun begets fun
Fun begets fun, we spend a little time preparing for the fun and the other folk who came...

Cheap Shiny Things
Just for a moment I was annoyed to be told I had not appreciated the true beauty of the...

The nude, so prevalent through art history, concentrated on the female form, the naked...

Send nudes
A naked male figure framed with discord, what a fine work of art.  But in this case...

Utterly Surreal
A nude figure with a pattern cut by the frame

Darker waters
In these calmer waters, we can relax, enjoy the ride.  But when I look over the side...

Disorder Prevalent
This confrontational nude male figure is cut by the frame to focus the eye.

Warning over Data Privacy
The pose on this male nude figure implies some sort of collaboration with the viewer in...

Badly Behaved Britain
In my own way, I would imagine a little like DV all those centuries ago, I was privileged...

My name is
My name is Jules. I have been reading a book in which every chapter began with my name...

The Woodman and the Serpent
One winter Woodman found Serpent stiff and frozen with cold Woodman gently cradled...

One winter Woodman found Serpent stiff and frozen with cold

Woodman gently cradled Serpent to her breast

Serpent quickly revived from her warmth

As is his nature, Serpent sunk his fangs into Woodman's breast

A fatal wound

And Woodman whispered: Serves me right for pitying a scoundrel.

Get aHead
We read so much into animals, we give our pets human characteristics, we spend hours...

A Hotbed of Scandal
A nude figure with an animal head taking afternoon tea in the stripe room.

Just rest
Tick tick tick, when I was driving the car I couldn't make out the fuel guage, I...

So I had been thinking about it all day and when I finished sorting needed being done I...

It is impossible to create a work of art that is not influenced by other people's...

Young man tuning a lute
Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour and #inkdrawing of ‘Young man tuning a...

June 23
There seems to be an inertia settling over my days, like a dust that for some reason is...

Acceptance with admiration and trust form the sap green petal.

Summer sunshine
This is the beginning point, this is the start.  The summer lies before me and I...

Serenity with ecstasy and joy on the yellow petal

Interest with vigilance and anticipation on the orange petal

Annoyance with rage and anger on the red petal

Disgust with loathing and boredom on the purple petal

Sadness with grief and pensiveness on the blue petal

Surprise with amazement and distraction on the turquoise petal

Fear with terror and apprehension on the green petal

Fat stupid
Fat fat fat fat fat fat, perhaps if I fatshamed myself enough I would get it into this...

Bears, otters and other words
A male nude figure in front of words

Little reminders to the folks sitting on the left and right of you are great to keep them...

One winter Woodman found Serpent stiff and frozen with cold.

One  winter Woodman found Serpent stiff and frozen with cold

The Fisher
Fisher went sailing on the lake Playing the bagpipes Saying: the fish will dance...

Fisher went sailing on the lake

Playing the bagpipes

Saying: the fish will dance their way into my net

But they didn't

So the net was cast

And with much toil the fish hauled aboard the boat

Ah, look how the fishes dance now

Just about starting
So, most of the day went ok under the new regime.  I ate carrots and fruit for half...

Do Wolves Howl at the Moon
These nude figures with wolf heads are howling but to whom do they howl?

The Belly and the Members
The members of the body rebelled against the belly.  They said: why should we do...

The members of the body rebelled against the belly

They said: why should we do all the work while you indulge in luxury?

So the members of the body resolved to never give food to the belly again.

The body was soon debilitated

The members, hand, foot, mouth, eye, realised their folly only when it was too...

Social media are forever asking where you get your news of current events, what...

Near the police station
On the one side there is the rioters and the flip side is the police, inspired by news...

These words
Decision, decide, think, thought, distracted, distract, rethink, smile, laugh, snort,...

Thursday #PortraitChallenge #inkdrawing of ‘Shadows’, painted by Charles...

Best plan
Strategy or plan?  The young person has done souch work, but souch of the time I am...

Trust with admiration and acceptance form the sap green petal 

Apprehension with fear and terror form the green petal

Warm Days
The warm days have tickled my mouth into a bit of a smile, and a prickle to my skin, but...

New things
You said shall we do this exciting thing, we always used to do these exciting things but...

Changed Sexual Identity
The dynamism of this pose and the uncertainty in the eyes are exaggerated by the frame...

The Lioness
There was clamour and boasting amongst all the beast. Claiming their worth by the...

There was clamour and boasting amongst all the beasts.

Claiming their worth by the number of yelps at birth.

They rushed and demanded Lioness resolve the issue.

They asked: How many babies have you at birth?

Oh, only one, laughed Lioness

But mine is all Lion

I am Jules Artvan
Welcome to my collection of artworks, sketches, stories and other ideas.  I draw...

Because you believe
You wouldn't have thought it possible but here it is, a moment of character...

So angry
He came again today, to tell me how reading the right book can change your life. ...

Humanitarian Disaster
The children sit, as children do, and the watchers watch, as, sadly, they do too.

Say and go
Say and go, and leave the bad thoughts behind.  And it is true that it may happen...

The Painter
Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour of The Painter (or Self-portrait at Work),...

Walking, walking in the sun, with the blue sky above, with the warm heat of the argument...

Distraction with surprise and amazement form the turquoise leaf

And this was the point at which he turned to me, a small amount of ice-cream clining to...

My role
Is this what gaslighting feels like? The quiet acceptance that not only am I not the main...

Taking your imagination to the gym
This nude figure disappears into the background and is trunkated.

Feel the sadness
All through the day coming and going were waves of sadness.  Each time I did...

Page of Swords
Curious and inquisitive, insight and discretion in reason and communication in...

Page of Staves
Loyalty, a sign of important news, a semaphore in creativity and action in fire.

Page of Cups
Surprise, happy news, an offer of service or assistance in emotion and intuition in...

Page of Coins
Study, scholarship, reflection, a desire for learning or knowledge in materiality and...

Knight of Swords
Capacity and skill, occasionally impetuousness, in reason and communication in...

Knight of Staves
Passion, lust, comfort with the unknown in creativity and action in fire.

Knight of Cups
Opportunity or arrival, a new approach or being approached newly in emotion and intuition...

Knight of Coins
Methodical, deliberate, persistent, capable in materiality and success in earth.

Jules is awful
My, isn't technology wonderful? I wonder how I would feel if my day were made into a...

In this age of greater awareness and greater understanding do our expectations reach...

Plight of Migrants
Collage of images from the news, migrants, slums, police and other enforcement.

Literary dilemma
So, it started with a complicated dilemma: if someone were to tell you a story in which...

Woman waiting
Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour and #inkdrawing of ‘Woman Waiting for the...

Another day
The amount of space occupied is a function of ta property of the material.  That...

Aggressiveness between the red petal of rage and the orange petal of vigilance.

Pensiveness with grief and sadness on the blue petal 

Strenuous physical exercise in hot conditions is not actually as strenuous as it would be...

Sodding silence
I wonder what the rules are for confident and easy conversation are, do they include...

Education on Consent
A nude figure with a colourful background 

Empty, today clanged along like a ox wagon in a spaghetti western in which whistling...

Look how they dance now
The fish, the fish on the boat

Fake it till you make it.  But there comes a point at which you have moved passed...

On clothing notoriety
THE WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING /ˈkləʊðɪŋ/ clothes collectively:...

Wolf was exasperated by the tediousness of the hunt

In desperate hunger Wolf had a brilliant idea

Wolf constructed a suit to look exactly like a sheep

Wolf practised his walk until he would be mistaken for a sheep

Wolf joined the sheep as Shepherd guided the flock into the pen

Wolf salivating with the thought of being penned with so much dinner

But Shepherd wanted a sheep for dinner too

And slew the finest looking sheep

Which happened to be the disguised wolf

What a foul feast

Hoping to get on a boat
Inspired by images of refugees in the news 

At the dressing
Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour detail from ‘At the Dressing Table’,...

Is a birthday a good time to reflect and take stock?  And if I were to take stock at...

Optimism between the petals of vigilance and serenity

Boredom with loathing and disgust on the purple petal

July 23
Books, that is what I am turning to this month.  Proactive action as suggested by...

Need to be better protected
A simple nude sketch where the face is hidden from the viewer.

Wonder, this cynical self must open up towards accept and accept more wonder.  Let...

The Seaside Travellers
TRAVELLERS travelled along the seashore,  Climbed up a tall cliff to...

Go on Doc
Today, every day I remember this is what I am, this is what I do.  Wallowing in the...

Just another thing
So the one idea is to eat thirty different plants in the week, so far I have has 3 types...

It's just you and memories
Inspired by images from Sudan in the news 

Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour and #inkdrawing of Head of a Black Man, painted...

The thing about the war, the thing was you don't talk about those bits, you run about...

Love between the petals of joy and trust

Rules and secrets
So easy, it can all be so easy, like when we were li5le and all there was was hearing an...

We have ambitious plans
A nude figure with historical references

How pathetic
It is all other people's ideas, all the thoughts have been had by someone else, and...

TRAVELERS travelled along the seashore

Climbed up a tall cliff and looked over the sea, 

And saw in the distance a large ship. 

They chilled watching the large ship came closer

But they were mistaken, at best it was a small boat

They chilled and watched the small boat come closer

But they were mistaken, it was plastic junk

AARG, TRAVELERS wailed, what a waste of time

Buy Now
Every day I post a sketch to eBay or Etsy.  If you like any of the artworks on this...

The Listener
The story is about the ways in which the interaction enriched either one, two or many of...

Driven out by decades of conflict
Inspired by various images of refugees and migrants in the news

Flights home
I remember a few stories which have a particular even which mixes the characters to...

Cancelled trains
I remember a few stories which have a particular even which mixes the characters to...

Night ships
Like night time ships we must go about our business alone, and we should expect to be...

Young Lady
Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour and #inkdrawing of Portrait of a young lady,...

The Mule
One Sunday after dinner with nothing to do MULE frolicked and pranced Saying my...

One Sunday after dinner with nothing to do

MULE frolicked and pranced

Saying my father was a stallion

Back to work on Monday

Wearisome and disconsolate

MULE said: Nay, my father was an ass afterall.

Two Soldiers and a Robber
When travelling wearily home Two soldiers were beset by a robber One hid The...

Just a touch more
There have been spaces iny day which I have not found before, but the runny thing is that...

Submission between the petals of love and fear

Caught out again but in a completely different way to yesterday.  Again I didn't...

In an Anxious World
A distorted nude figure glares at the viewer

The story begins with the old man plodding.  Plodding.  He is leaning forward,...

When travelling wearily home

Two soldiers were beset by a robber

The one hid

The other fought and overcome the villian

Thence leapt forth the first, yelling: let me at that fiend.

Don’t make me laugh, you scum, I saw you hide with fright.

No brave words can help you now.

Checking the facts, perhaps the way the future will check our facts is through this...

The list
I like the idea of lists, this is the list of things that make me laugh, this is the list...

Awe between the petals of fear and surprise 

Attacking Call
Sports figures from the news depicted with antelope heads and hooves 

It is a funny thing, this sport I play.  There is a lot of the same thing happening,...

Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour and #inkdrawing of Abraham Cowley, miniature...

Lost, floating amid the nothingness with no idea of the directioni need to take, and in a...

The Bat and the Weasels
BAT fell to the ground Caught by a WEASEL who said: BIRD is my favourite dinner! Oh...

So, all I have to do is make tomorrow better than today.  I don't have to change...

When I was young I laughed at glove puppets and people falling over.  Now I...

A Global Bogeyman
Disproportionate nude figure on a flight of stairs

So here is the question.  He believes what he is saying, he believes it...

Ratio of sheep to humans
Three nude female figures with sheep heads pose for a selfie

Pushing against sleep again, the reality of life as it is is grinding, I'm not...

BAT fell to the ground 

Caught by a WEASEL who said: BIRD is my favourite dinner!

Oh NO, I am not a bird but a mouse, said BAT, watch me scamper.

And off BAT scarpered.

Straight into the clutches of another WEASEL

Oh NO, I am not a mouse but a BAT, said BAT, Watch me fly.

And off BAT flew

Who said: MOUSE is my favourite dinner!

The Man and the Satyr
MAN and SATYR shared a drink And another After a third they decided to be...

MAN and SATYR shared a drink 

And another

After a third they decided to be friends.

On the way home MAN blew on his hands to warm them

This is no good SATYR declared

I cannot befriend anyone whose breath blows both hot and cold.

Pomegranate, Apple-Tree and Bramble
POMEGRANATE: Look at me, I am so beautiful. APPLE: Nay, look here, everyone turns...

Scanning their Eyeballs A distorted expressive portrait

POMEGRANATE: Look at me, I am so beautiful.

APPLE: Nay, look here, everyone turns their head for me.

POMEGRANATE: Don’t be silly, everyone’s eyes are fixed on my red...

APPLE: They look at you while sitting with me.

BRAMBLE: Friends, no point in boasting when I am here!

The Ass and the Grasshoppers
GRASSHOPPER was singing, so beautiful and sweet. ASS was enchanted, the singer did...

Then with his morning coffee MAN blew to cool it

GRASSHOPPER was singing, so beautiful and sweet.

ASS was enchanted, the singers he’d entreat

Pray tell me the secret of your singing so elite

Tis the dew, dear fellow, dew’s all you should eat

FOX chanced upon LION on his tree

So only dew he did drink, his happiness complete


And he died in a short time, stupid ASS

In your head
There was a moment this morning when I thought about the things I was going to do today,...

Safe and Effective
A collage of images from the news about politics and humanitarian aid.

More fun
So how does this work?  I change the lane, head of in a different direction and...

Thursday #PortraitChallenge #inkdrawing of Self portrait, painted by Tora Holmström...

Move to Better
Somewhere, sometime, something.  The thing is to try for just a moment to make the...

Disapproval between the petals of surprise and sadness 

The Big Trees are Dying
A male nude figure with a small tree 

A story of silence
It was endless and relentless, it would make a reasonably selling book, but not one they...

Dot to dot
StoryDots was meant to be a project to bring storytelling into the age of social...

August 23
This is the summer, the air is warm and the tempers are fiery, and this summer I am going...

Hunted by Dogs on Cocaine
Collaging together images from news and sports

I heard her on woman's hour talking about the play, and I thought it must have taken...

Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour and #inkdrawing of Nancy Lawson, painted in oils...

The Self
If I were to write a self help book, instead of having cliff-hamgers at the end of each...

Remorse between the petals of sadness and disgust

So, today was not so great. Quite rubish overall, but there are some bits which were...

Anger, rage and annoyance on the red petal

Anticipation with vigilance and interest on the orange petal.  

Joy with ecstacy and serenity on the yellow petal

I would much rather be wandering down the nude beach looking at the naked bodies but...

Source of Dark Matter
Truncated nude inspecting the viewer 

Borrowed words
Gosh, isn't it such a dreary thing having to work out what the right thing to say is,...

Hysteria is a Distraction
A collection of elderly people exercising in a public space collaged...

I think the thing about the patriarchy is the grooming.  So you have a group...

Thursday #PortraitChallenge #inkdrawing inspired by Self portrait at the age of 20,...

So the story showed a world where many of the good things had not happened due to this...

Contempt between the petals of disgust and anger

On familiarity and content
THE FOX AND THE LION /fəˌmɪlɪˈarɪti/ close acquaintance with or...

Alone with family
Change, it's not in the air, it is not about at all.  It feels like I am simply...

Where will all the buses go
A nude figure with a night skyline

My lot.
Now I have added to my collections by collecting a little over a dozen photos of painted...

I have drawn a few amorals which are less than 10 images with a single line of text to...

BOY hunting LOCUSTS BOY had a goodly haul BOY saw the best of all BOY...

One day skulking throught the forest

And nearly died of fear.

The next day wandering through the forest 

FOX saw LION relaxing under a tree 

And stole past calling hello.

The following day striding through the forest 

FOX strode to LION at his tree

And told the joke of the three monkeys

Foolish Fox

Hercules and the Wagoner
Picture a Wagon in a country lane Wheels sunk deep in a rut, stuck And the Wagoner:...

Picture a Wagon in a country lane

Wheels sunk deep in a rut, stuck

And the Wagoner: wailing to Hercules for help.

And Hercules mutters his usual reply 

Put your shoulder to the wheel and goad your bullocks 

And don't call out till you’ve helped yourself.

This is a very thin life, svelte, perhaps would be a better word as svelte implies...

Disrupting Festivals
Collage of protests and protesters in the news

It was a well written story, starting from an interesting idea: what would you do if...

On Timing
Today my words seemed to have effect because they were said when they were said. ...

Emotions Wheel
I have enjoyed working with the emotions I found in Plutchik, but there are so many more...

/ˈhapi/ feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. "Melissa came in...

It is so easy to fall into the hole, gravity you evil villian.  I was watching a...

Claims he acted promptly
This nude highlights the natural form of the older man

So, I was listening to a conversation on the radio about the things we can do for the...

BOY already had a goodly haul of LOCUSTS

BOY saw the best one of all

BOY reached

But suddently SCORPION showed her sting

BOY recoiled

If you'd touched you'd lost me and your goodly haul

Foolish BOY

The Mole and his Mother
MOLE, poor thing, blind from birth Said, MOTHER, I am sure I can see MOTHER laughed...

Queen of Swords
Perception, keen wit in reason and communication in air

Queen of Staves
Exuberance and enthusiasm, graceful in creativity and action in fire

Queen of Cups
Devoted, warmth, feminine intuition in emotion and intuition in water.

Queen of Coins
Prosperity, luxury, opulence and generosity in materiality and success in earth.

King of Swords
Controlled, clear-headed, authoritative, experience and intellect in reason and...

King of Staves
Visionary, maturity, entrepreneurship in creativity and action in fire.

King of Cups
Emotional balance, sound counsel and professionalism in emotion and intuition in...

King of Coins
Reliable, dependable, providing for others and professional acument in materiality and...

Without note
Puddles, and puddling along, another day has gone by without anything of note to be...

I am not a robot
A collage of protest, migration and travel images from the news

Soft toys
The soft toys were stolen, this is a fact.  I looked at it several times and I am...

The Herdsman and the Lost Calf
HERDSMAN loved the flock, every one One day BABYCALF was lost HERDSMAN searched and...

MOLE, poor thing, blind from birth

Said, MOTHER, I am sure I can see

MOTHER laughed at the foolish boast

She held out her hand saying: what is this?

UM, milk?

Oh MOLE, you’ve lost your sense of smell too!

HERDSMAN loved the flock, every one

One day BABYCALF was lost

HERDSMAN searched and searched

And offered to sacrifice to know the thief 

Well, the GODS liked the HERDSMAN

They showed him the thief

LION devouring the BABYCALF

And HERDSMAN offered a sacrifice

Just to make it back home alive

Saying goodbye can be such a simple thing, but it can be a delicious thing too. ...

/səˈprʌɪz/ an unexpected or astonishing event, fact, etc. "the...

BOY was hunting LOCUSTS 

Another nothing
Slip, slop, and what can we do.  Maybe I am not going to be an athlete of any...

Left out of Pocket
A squatting nude figure with elongated feet.

Waiting for a change
It feels like I am waiting for a change, waiting for a miracle.  There are too many...

When I think about my younger days I cannot say I did anything particularly...

Perhaps as I got older I began to expect less, less on all levels.  Less fun, less...

Stung by Air
Inspired by images from the news of war and refugees 

/bad/  poor quality or a low standard. "a bad diet" not such as to...

Embracing otherness
So she said her name then spelt it, I wrote it and apologised that I may not be able to...

September 23
Summer has ended and I feel the autumnal crisis approaching with the rain preparing the...

For a moment it was all very clear.  Nothing was different to the day be fire, to...

Spend what it takes
Cropped nude figure with fists

What on earth is it that could be gained on the swing that would be lost on the...

The FARMER and the STORK
FARMER caught all the thieves in the nets Five resigned CRANES and one shameful...

How normal.can it be, perhaps a good sign of normal is to be able to laugh at impending...

Simple lines
The lines were simple yet suggestive, conjuring the fantasy of that first kiss, the...

Hunger and Hope
Collageing together images from the nrws

Rocking rock
This cult of feelgood, constant feelgood, has few outcomes.  It could be you never...

Hard Cycling
So, round and round we go, but the truth be told not all roundabouts are the same. ...

/ˈfɪəf(ʊ)l/ Feeling or showing fear or anxiety. "they are fearful of the...

The mind reader
He thought it was easier to wait silently for the moment to pass than to ask again what...

It is so much better to watch a game that is won through wonderful play than to watch a...

The Pleasures of Solitude
Watercolour and ink nude figure with wavey line background

Something for me
Edgy on the edge, nine notes in and I have not worked out a plan, perhaps I should think...

FARMER caught all the thieves in the nets

Five resigned CRANES and one shameful STORK

With a broke-up foot and scuffed up feathers

Who pleaded: Oh masterful FARMER, do let me go

I am here by accident, I am not your foe

Look at them, look at me

This is not where I should be

Well the farmer heartily laughed

Have you not heard of birds of a feather?

All you thieves will be punished together.

Matriarchs ltd
So, the family unit is regularly kept strong and robust by the matriarch, the figure who...

Pointless Delusion
The nude figures are mostly female, smooth flowing curves of nubile young women. ...

Bisexual Lighting
From the news military figures and dancers collaged together.

Nude not nude
The nude can be viewed nonsexually, every time there is nudity and not sex it is...

The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller
CHARCOAL-BURNER worked from home where black was black FULLER worked from home too,...

CHARCOAL-BURNER worked from home where black was black

FULLER worked from home too, but there white was white

They were best of friends and occasional lovers

So one said to the other come live with me, my lovely

It is not the black and the white that cannot mix

It won’t matter that my black is black and your white is white

Oh my darling, replied the other

It is that my whitening would always fight your blackening.

Wary and danger
The squirrel that has installed itself as the symbol for this month is clearly...

/ˈaŋɡri/ adjective  Feeling or showing...

The Train Metaphor
Criss cross, clickity clack and suddenly the train is passed, long gone.  The train...

Bees are good, but perhaps mosquitoes are better.  They might be just the annoyance...

Rising Tide of Sexual Assaults
A stylised crouching nude male figure

As he got older he had less energy to put himself back in these tricky situations, when...

When I am feeling low, and something has gone wrong I drift away and find myself...

Thing about him is everything seems to be normal, he is just an older man, drifting along...

St Sebastian Church
Two soldiers standing at the door of a church

Time Storms
Weather, wind and a certain lighting and instead of cycling home in London it feels like...

Momentarily I struggled to remember if it was an actual event, or a dream, for my dreams...

/dɪsˈɡʌstɪd/ feeling or expressing revulsion or strong disapproval. "a...

It would be interesting, as suggested, to make a comic out of a poem.  A bit like...

Free erotica
In all this creativity we don't seem to have found an honest way to talk about...

Crazy not to reconsider
A nude figure slightly out of proportion 

What is this free market consumer culture, what is the antidote for this life, will my...

Bad tides
Supposedly the tiredness from exercise is a good kind of tiredness.  It certainly is...

Nudity not required
It is in the tides and times that I heard said a good book can make you feel cleverer...

Communications Outage
Figures from the news filled with patterns

Dirty dishes
The fundament seems to be so unstable but, as the book said, if I can open my mind to the...

Be yourself
What he wants, what he so desperately wants is for them to like him, but he feels like a...

/sad/ feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy. "I was sad and...

Always nice to chat with a happy person, just something to look forward to, something to...

The Raven and the Swan
RAVEN lusted for SWAN Floating in the pond With dazzling white...

RAVEN lusted for SWAN

Floating in the pond

Dead-eyed delegates look on
Nude mediative disproportional figure with pattern

October 23
An so with the darkness knocking at the door patiently waiting for the inevitability of...

Fitting for my age
When I hit the pavement I wanted to roll over onto my back and stay there, then I...

A brief history of protest
Protesters from the news holding placards shown on other protesters placards.

Random art
There will be a bunch of nude figures, all naked self portraits but not posed by the self...

Half a glass
Check out this glass, if it is half full then does that mean I am happier with my glass,...

With dazzling white plumage 

Raven thought I can wash my feathers white

RAVEN dipped in the pond

RAVEN stayed in the pond

RAVEN got hungry but kept washing

RAVEN got tired but kept washing

That foolish RAVEN is bathing still

/əkˈsɛptɪd/ generally believed or recognized to be valid or correct. "he...

Not mine to know
The moment I saw them my heart dropped, but then I thought why not just chat.  Why...

Corruption Commissioner
A nude figure examining the viewer in front of symbols 

Islands in the sun, and man is not an island, is man still not an island if he island is...

On feeling weary
The good, the bad, and the resting when all is done.  Resting and recovering, and...

After that
Difficult, they praised the story but the only word that came to my mind was...

Millions on the Move
Collage of an image of a protester with one of migrants.

There are times when it is good to listen.  It started with a little enthusiasm,...

/əˈmeɪzd/ greatly surprised; astonished.  "I was amazed that he could...

And when the listening is done it is time to talk.  Time to talk, the words written...

THE ANTS were industrious Working hard, planning for their future GRASSHOPPER was a...

The ANTS were industrious

Working hard, planning for their future

GRASSHOPPER was a romantic

And loved to sing

And sing GRASSHOPPER did

Through youth and into middle age

Until bedraggled, hungry with begging cup in hand

GRASSHOPPER approached the ANTS

The ANTS laughed at the tenacity

They sent GRASSHOPPER away

Hungry, cold and destitute

Those crows
He looked at his foot, a misstep.  Momentarily the wrong place to set his foot, the...

The LION and the MOUSE
LION was woken by MOUSE, oh dear careless MOUSE LION lashed out: You’ll pay for...

Once lost
Taken for granted, first do the hard work then make the flashy riffs delight the crowd (I...

Urged to show restraint
A naked figure with a technology background 

Perhaps I would enjoy the life of a nomad, tavelling from place to place in my...

LION was woken by MOUSE, oh dear, careless MOUSE

LION lashed out: You'll pay for this you little cunt.

MOUSE smiled coyly: forgive me, I am but a little thing, not worth your...

And one day I will pay you back in my own little way.

LION laughed: OK, why not little cock.

Normal Norman
Normal, what a strange name for an Italian, but there it is.  I am a little in love...

Norman, what a strange name for an Italian, but there it is.  I am a little in love...

Impending doom
Impending doom is one of the most common of the dooms found in this civil society. ...

Rush to Judgment
A portrait collaging faces from current events 

I have reached a state of drastic unpreparedness.  I am not sure how to do an about...

Dusty count
He had not been thinking about it, that is the key to magic, it has to be...

/bɔːd/ feeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in...

The wrong game
So here is the thing, turning the tide is done with a stone of  unimaginable...

Achieving happiness
Wrapped up in my own troubles, wrapped so tight in my own troubles I can barely see...

16 Days
A nude male figure looking to the left

On time
The explosion sounded like a pop, a sudden, sharp sound but it was not substantial. ...

Well, not long later LION was trapped

By a bunch of viscous bastards

Well, MOUSE was a resourceful mouse

And with a pip and a squeak they were away

You never know when a little friend may come big.

Clean Shower
Sometimes the journey is as important as the destination, in life it is good to enjoy...

Weeks of Chaos
Images from the news include person and place

Story time
When telling a story is is best to be brought in hand in hand of an accessible...

Endless possibilities
Recovery, each time the fabric it streatched it becomes a little weaker, oh so slightly...

/ˈθrɛtn/ state one's intention to take hostile action against...

Click clack whack-it-i-whack, watched the rugby and it was intense.  A bit boring...

A nude figure with fruit, not a sill life.

And so coming to the end of this little period, with Halloween a day away, and again it...

Mole and Mother

Time to meet John, it was written on the paper but she didn't know who John is. ...

On fairness and equality
THE KINGDOM OF THE LION /ˈfɛːnəs/ impartial and just treatment or...

LION was the fairest KING the BEASTS could have.

LION was gentle and kind

LION declared all the BEASTS equal

The WOLF and the LAMB

The PANTHER and the KID

The DOG and the HARE

HARE spoke: Oh joy is this day when the weak can sit with the strong.

Thus said, HARE ran for dear life.

Run, my lovely, run

Please hold
Your call is important to us please hold.  But it is not just the call, it is so...

November 23
Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is...

A portrait of a woman carrying her two children from the news from Gaza

Sharpen and click, but now there seems to be just too much, the list of things to do,...

Old anxieties
Tick tock tick, I let things go on not worrying too much about the stuff that I worry...

/frʌˈstreɪtɪd, ˈfrʌstreɪtɪd/ feeling or expressing distress and annoyance...

Storytime again
All the voices are played be the one actor, because the story is being told by the one...

Slipped on by
Perhaps it is better to take a decision and get it wrong than to wait for the perfect...

Moral Absolutism
A play on the concept of the aubergine emogi

Restricting practise
About three quarters through the day today I was struck with the dilemma: how much do I...

Charcoal Burner & Fuller
A portrait of the pair having their morning coffee and discussing what might be ahead for...

Expectations.  They lead to disappointments when I let them expectations fill up...

Valid and validity
Just how it is, just stop. Hop, drop, tip top, words are a flop, slop, crop. Cut it out...

Images of refugees collaged together 

White noise
What will it be like when no one knows what the visual equivalent of white noise...

/rɪˈpɛl/ verb past tense: repelled; past participle: repelled drive or force...

The trick
I wonder if the trick is to simply think to yourself you are going to enjoy the journey,...

Can Sheep Stop Wildfires
A nude figure on a chair with unclear words.

The nude in art
The history of the nude is the history of people's fascination of the nude, I...

A History of Erotic Photography
The history of the nude is the history of people's fascination of the naked...

The Bleakness is in those moments when I am reminded that everyone thinks I did...

The moment of pleasure is listening to the quiet conversation in the hall, the advisors...

I noted your knickers, hanging, as they do, in the bathroom.  I noted your knickers...

Planet Earth is big enough
Inspired by news images of poverty and overcrowding

Then I said, my son travelled to Edinburgh to get a tattoo, and the customer was happy...

A little change
Change, I tell you.  The thing I need to do, the thing that will make it all a lot...

/ˈləʊnli/ sad because one has no friends or company. "lonely old people...

Data and forgetting
Let me tell you about the dream, for it is really a distopian novel in the waiting. ...

Lost thoughts
This morning as I walked to work I thought of something, an interesting idea.  I can...

Bedsit Britain
The nude figure is placed in front of a bookshelf to reflect the historical origin of the...

Short thought
Ideas and other sorts of musings that may at some point be turned into a story. ...

How much is too much
So, she comes half way round the world to visit on my side of the world and I would like...

The Principle of Human Dignity
Partially drawn figures with an abstract background inspired by emergency...

The best effort award
You should take a moment to watch them, take some time to think about how you want to...

The message
Today I had the weight of disappointing someone I don't want to disappoint follow...

/praʊd/ feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own...

A desire for a particular thing to happen, I think hope is active, it is not a whimsical...

Father and Sons
Everyday they would argue Bicker and squabble One against three, two against...

The XXL Bag
A nude figure with fashion patterns and other words 

North Woods by Daniel Mason
A fascinating concept of tracing the stories of people through a fixed place over...

Self preservation reflex
There was that line in a story about thinking of the right thing to retort but only...

That is tired
And so, perhaps, there is no point in trying to work out how this can be fixed.  It...

Sustainable Nutrition
Collage of images from news 

/kənˈfjuːzd/ (of a person) unable to think clearly; bewildered. "she was...

A bicycle
If I would like to embark on a great bicycle journey the first thing I will need is a...

December 23
Now there are many posts in this chain, I believe streak is the pore appropriate word, I...

Everyday they would argue

Bicker and squabble

One against three, two against two

Till FATHER said enough!

Break these if you can, they couldn't.

He untied the bundle, said: try again

And they broke each stick one by one.

You see? Work together and you are strong, one by one you are weak.

And if you keep on fighting I will break my bundle on each one of your heads.

I am still on the roundabout spinning, spinning, not sure if I am trying to get to...

Male, pale and out of step
A nude figure reaching up with fruit pattern and words 

In this game the currency in which the cost needs paying is ignoring rudeness, spite and...

On vacuous magnificence
THE FOX AND THE MASK /ˈvakjʊəs/ having or showing a lack of thought or...

FOX entered the house of that famous actor

FOX sauntered through one room

FOX rummaged through another

Until FOX found a beautiful MASK

An admirable imitation, pronounced FOX 

This magnificent invocation has no value

It entirely lacks brains

What is precious to one may have no value for another
COCK was searching for food for himself And the HENS When he found a precious...

COCK was searching for food for himself

And the HENS

When he found a precious stone

How dull, COCK said

If the OWNERS found this they would have cheered

And set it in their finest jewelry

But I would rather have a single grain of barley

And the HENS nodded.

A beautifully told story, it must be said.  It must be read, it must.  Here in...

DOG in the manger
DOG reclined, luxuriating in the manger. It was so soft, so gentle on sensitive skin OX...

Listening alone
Then, listening to the story the scientist was regaling on the radio, I heard the throw...

Refuse to sit down
Putting protesters on their placards, how does that work?

To flog or not
Sometimes I wonder about this dead horse, dead or not, the horse seems to have retired to...

Cardboard cutout
There were things, motivations that were, perhaps, not disclosed.  Dishonest. ...

/skɛːd/ fearful; frightened. "I wasn't scared at...

Proving a negative
The principle is to think the best of a person, to think the best of all persons, and to...

Ruined Plans, Lost Hours
A nude with a decidedly Christmas background that encroaches into the eyemask

Confuse me
So, this slipping by. This not taking opportunities, I wonder if your question was about...

And me
And together we were reading a tale I was pretty sure I was the only one who had...

Tick the ticks
Like an advert of a young slip of a thing dancing, gliding between flowers skipping down...

Stopped speaking and
Figures from the news embracing

Baking cookies, carefully measuring the ingredients but then banging in a little more of...

You might reply
If I told you about them I would say they are a conversation in my mind.  While that...

/bɪˈtreɪ/ expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by...

A tiny crack opens, where, I heard, the light gets in, that ting crack perceived through...

This is the time of year for continuous action.  Action motivated by kindness, for...

Couples lives in disarray
A double male nude with a pattern

And the boat
The aspiration of the fisher, perhaps.

Out of the way
There is still kindness in the streets, and in the stores.  There are still folk...

Strikes Will Increase
Protesters and images from the news

Patience, now there's an interesting thing.  Those good things that are said to...

Mucky muck
Try, try to ensure they understand what you think, not what you think they want to hear...

/ˈdɪst(ə)nt/ (of a person) not intimate; cool or reserved. "his children...

Unexpected intimacy
There is an intimacy working at the checkout, casting an eye over the products can,...

Get a grip
I seem to be quite insistent on running on empty.  Well, not empty, but I keep...

After joke about date rape
A nude with flower pattern and words

A little laughter, it is good for a lot of things, I wonder if it is indeed a good...

In our likeness.
When I was young I expected I would matter, specifically, I would matter in a way that is...

I agreed
Is the end of the year a good time for resolutions?  Is this when we should be...

It just grabbed her
Images from the news of performers and audience collaged together

Seaside in winter
Does a sunny day a summer make? Certainly a windy day at the seaside has made for a...

/həːt/ Cause pain or injury to. "Ow! You're hurting...

Fake and retiring
There is this tricky problem that I haven't solved again this year, perhaps I should...

DOG reclined, luxuriating in the manger.

It was so soft, so gentle on sensitive skin

OX approached, as OX did, a meandering approach

DOG growled: fuck off

OX leered through half-closed eyes

DOG snapped: fuck right off

Man, DOG is such a bitch, OX muttered

I just wanted to taste DOG’s hay, nothing more

DOG don't even like nibbling hay, 

Unrighteous OX called while walking into the night.

On looking and leaping
THE FOX AND THE GOAT /ˈlʊkɪŋ/ having a specified appearance:"a...

Winter endings
The wind is gentler now, it still makes a sound in the trees outside the window but not...

Considering Airstrikes
Disconcerted male nude figure with pet symbols 

Goodbye, farewell, so long and all that.  It has been a merry old time, another...

As I allocate the server space to the unordered thoughts of the year I hope that,...

Wobbling, perhaps even stumbling into this new year, without much of a plan other than an...

January 24
Positivity and proactivity are the words I am throwing into this month to make it a...

The Fish Dance
Now they lay on the floor of the boat, gasping, gasping.

Resolve this
As is traditional in all secret diaries published on the internet I shall begin this year...

War, migration, scandal, political crisis, and another, sporting prowess, what will this...

A Real Look
Collaging together images from the news of migrants and migration

Tomorrow Again
A good start is to get things done, keep working at it and the things will get done, no...

/ˌɒp.tɪˈmɪs.tɪk/ Hopeful and confident that something good will happen in the...

The Bigger Picture
The rain did not stop us, all twenty thousand of us gathered seated thighs pressed...

Worst offence
There is no point in trying to work out how much any of us involved were responsible, and...

FOX fell into the well, probably drunk again

GOAT looked down, thristy: is the water good?

Delightful, come on down, this is the place to be!

Foolish GOAT jumped down, blump, bump, thump.

FOX seized the moment, lept on GOAT’S head

A leap for freedom 

Oh, GOAT realised, I can’t get out, call for help!


Stupid clod, you saw the hole you in the hole 

And off FOX staggered, passing out in a ditch

No one came to rescue GOAT

The Dog and the Shadow
DOG snarled, greedily protecting his piece Suddenly DOG was confronted with a...

It was a story about a person who had spent their life, or at least the twenty years of...

Embarrassing Climbdown
A nude figure with words

Two separations
Those big galleries with those fabulous artworks, well, the ones close to me I have been...

The Manger DOG
DOG found a special place, lay down, relaxed, and found peace, a selfish peace.

Make me smile
It made me smile, just a little bit of a smile but a smile it was, when the councillor...

DOG snarled, greedily protecting the meat

Suddenly DOG was confronted with a big dog

With the juciest, tasties, glorious meat

Well, DOG was not a retiring mouse

DOG attacked, straight for the meatiest centre

With a crash, a splinter, and blood, DOG lost it all

For the big dog was just a reflection

Of a stupid DOG

Concrete art
The illusion of art comes in many forms, but one form I think deserves a little more...

Zombie League
Collaging together soldiers from images in the news to form the zombie league

/ˈɪn.tres.tɪd/ showing curiosity or concern about something or someone; having a...

And stoned
So the story was told, a great budget was spent by numerous people on numerous people and...

Two youngsters travelling together Came across an angry BEAR PANDA, quick thinking,...

A little closed
I wasn't the best me today, not a bad me, not a disappointing me but a me that...

The Au Pair
Set in a dystopian near future, an au pair comes to London hoping to lift her life from a...

001 :: A Record of Facts
Her first words in London were to a border guard.  A nondescript looking man. ...

002 :: Terms and Conditions
The border guard held up his hand miming lifting a suitcase. Luggage....

Dodging Scrutiny
A nude figure with a pattern 

More resolution
Organisation.  So far I seem to be doing quite well on the dietary resolutions but I...

Leather suit
Hidden beneath that suede jacket that flowed from the shoulder to the floor was a leather...

A Frugal Utopia
The nicer coffee, perhaps 2 pounds more than the basic.  A nice cheese every few...

Who are the rebels
Persons from the news collaged together 

003 :: Airport
The young woman was seated with her head resting on her hands when a young man came into...

004 :: The Train
The young woman stared out the train window.  She watched her new country...

In my head
This time I have to be present and perform, this time, and then after I will think it was...

/ˈstɑː.təld/ feeling or showing sudden shock or alarm. "her startled eyes...

Nice words
As I get older I am more troubled by not getting the sleep I wanted, even though the...

005 :: The Shops
The street was bright.  Warm.  It was busy.  Nice shops.  The young...

What are our motivations, doing something together can be so enjoyable simply from the...

006 :: Delivery
The young woman and Simon had  been standing at the door for nearly five...

The Green Plan
A male nude with words and an ivy pattern 

By the sea
In this story we discover what the thing was that was to big for the protagonist to cope...

007 :: An Entrance Hall
Peter gestured for Naomi to step into the house.  Her first step into her new...

The phone man
She was telling me this story about the man who had kept her on the phone all day with...

008 :: Welcome
Peter knelt next to the small table.  He gestured for Naomi to sit.  On the...

009 :: How to undress
You can get undressed now. (Peter) Naomi nodded.  She was expecting this. ...

010 :: Pubic hair
It is alright to shave your pubic hair. (Peter) Naomi read what he had said. Yes....

It's Time
Collaged together images from the news, protest and life.

Debauchery dreams
I was thinking about B today.  He was the kind of guy that crazy stuff happened...

Team you
Starting a story with a character failing at one thing may establish the underdog empathy...

/ˈæŋk.ʃəs/ feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something...

011 :: Shower
Would you like to shower now. (Peter) Naomi examined where Peter had shaved her. ...

012 :: Pic
Would you like to take your pic now. (Peter) Naomi looked at him. You must have a...

013 :: Sex talk
Naomi and Peter were sitting on the bed.  Neither looked comfortable. You can...

Understand me
So much of today I was on the edge of falling.  On the edge of emotional...

Dry January Set
A nude male figure with a blue abstract pattern 

Say nothing
And so, there was a long conversation in which I learned one thing, I learned that the...

Two youngsters travelling together

Came across an angry BEAR

PANDA, quick thinking, shinnied up a tree

And OTTER, in panic, collapsed to the ground

Pretending to be dead as BEAR sniffed about

But finding no juicy meat, wandered away

So BEAR whispered to you, joked PANDA

Yeah, don’t travel with PANDAS who hide

Like a CUB up a tree

The Wolf
Here is an image of this wolf from then, not now.

Devoid of clever
I did it for enjoyment only.  It was not quite true, mostly it was for enjoyment,...

The complaint
The response to my complaint was an okay. It seemed the complaint was heard.  It...

Asylum Seekers on Bail
Figures from the news collaged together in a column.

Bearable life
Now the end of the month is here and I have, I think, mostly kept to the...

February 24
So, there is this issue.  It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many...

/hjuːˈmɪl.i.eɪt/ make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity...

014 :: Watchers
Today I am going to show you the house.  Then I will teach you what to do.  The...

015 :: The House
Peter followed Naomi up the stairs.  She led them to a very large room.  The...

A voice
The problem with not having a voice is that the only way to maintain a sense of self...

I don't know what tomorrow brings.  I am at a loss for what my plan is. ...

Fears grow over re-education
A nude male figure in front of a butterfly pattern and other words 

Like the snail pulling back into the shell, hiding underneath the leaf, waiting for the...

Her lovely new coat
A nude figure wearing a coat with a howling wolf head

Wild house
A story about the characters involved in a violent act over a few days.  The fool...

Snippets, like walking part the dead bird, the bird in the street hit by a car, a pigeon,...

016 :: What we do
Cinema.  Peter.  Select. (Peter) The screen lit up.  It had a...

Yearn for the Void
Images of conflict and disaster from the news collaged together 

Memory and forgetting
I wonder if I am forgetting things.  I wonder if I am forgetting more things than I...

Duck le jaune
It must be good to be a duck in weather like this.  Not only is the water off your...

/ˈkrɪtɪkl/  expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements. "I...

Favourite Fairy Vampire
There is a certainty in the writing, a brevity that, no matter how brief, leaves the...

017 :: Making Sushi
Time to cook. (Peter) Naomi stood watching Peter wiping down the kitchen...

Profane or Innocent
A nude male figure leaping out of a picture of flying birds

Which best
What is the best me that I can be this week.  Is it the me that will make me the...

How to undress
Two nude figures collaged in three panels of diffe4nt sizes

The joy on the faces of the young and old alike as they bent and twisted the clay to the...

Today I made the best millionaire shortbreads I have made.  The shortbread was...

It is time to ask why
Protest images from the news collaged together 

The back seat, what a luxury.  Having the time and space to sit back and not worry...

Top table
For a moment it felt like I had finally understood zen, I had made peace with the path...

/dɪˈprɛst/ depressed (of a person) in a state of unhappiness or...

Janet had been an unpublished author for nearly two months now and the redundancy money...

Faking Zen
It appears the best approach to seek out the correct approach to Zen, is to fake...

018 :: A Table
Peter placed a stool at the end of the coffee table in the sitting area.  He laid a...

Profit of Private Leasing
A nude male figure with jewel pattern and other words 

One love
The moment that came closest to overwhelming me, the moment when I thought I might have...

On steady and race
THE TORTOISE AND THE HARE steady /ˈstɛdi/ firmly fixed, supported, or...

HARE ridiculed TORTOISE with her softness and curves

With his hand on his crotch this is all you deserve

You can’t even orgasm without a shot from my gun

It’s what makes HARES better, patriarchy is fun.

FOX set the race: last to come gets up the bum.

Off TORTOISE diddled on a slow and steady strum

While HARE beat a fury, flashing his meaty stick

He paused for the camera, shot the cutest dick pic

Meanwhile TORTOISE, she came and came again  

And what about HARE, he deserved anal pain.

Outside the words
Today I had a conversation I haven't had for a long time: about childcare, house...

Everything is hard, all little interactions, all conversation, all of it is hard. ...

Nopausal Women
Images of women in the news collaged together 

Strangest thing, fearing confrontation.  I guess I worry that I might appear...

/ˈtrʌstɪŋ/ showing or tending to have a belief in a person's honesty or...

Piss poor
One day, when I am big I am going to work out what it is that I want to be.  It...

All the bits
Helpless, frustrated and angry that nothing I can do makes any difference.  My body...

Dangerous Rhetoric
A nude male figure in profile with stars pattern and other words.

Young FAWN said MOTHER You are larger than DOG You are faster than DOG You have...

Something kind
It looked like wax, an interesting form but the position gave away it was gunge leaking...

Red velvet warmth
For a moment, then for another moment life flickers into pleasantness, into a gentle warm...

New Law to Protect Victims
Images from the news collaged together

Unexpected dread
Isn't it amusing how a day in which progress has been made but tasks not complete can...

Thought and imagination
And the meditation has meandered it's way to the designated dropping off point. ...

/kənˈtɛnt/ in a state of peaceful happiness. "he seemed more content, less...

019 :: Phoebe and George
Hi Peter (Phoebe) Evening Phoebe.  Can I take that for you.  Diane is in the...

Bird bush hand
A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush.  A bush in a bird is worth two in the...

March 24
March is here today and today is the first step in my march towards a more Zen...

If at first
Try and try again, this pithy comment came to mind on reflection of a day in which I...

Better than the real thing?
A male nude with a female nude and other words 

Like a bad penny
A twitch and a stretch and a sharp pain in the middle of my back.  I tried to carry...

The Hare and the Tortoise in boots
Perhaps as a fashion statement, perhaps as a nod towards how the fabled race was run,...

The Devil Makes Work
Oh my idle hands, were that the devil would come to give them a task, some light work...

You have to get involved
Various images from the news collaged together 

The home house
What is it you call home, is it this house?  Perhaps that pithy misery about a house...

History repeats itself
Like yesterday's curry...  But seriously, I was mildly amused when reading those...

Nothing ventured
Nothing gained!  Oh, the fools who think that all to be gained must be done from...

Backbreaking straws
I am sure that everyone with this modern condition of back pain wonder what the straw...

His desperate party
A male nude with a curtain pattern and other words

Young FAWN said to MOTHER

You are larger than DOG

You are faster than DOG

You have the most magnificent horns

So why do you fear DOG so?

All this I know, smiled MOTHER sadly,

Yet I still flee when I hear even a single bark.

Family skeletons
I guess we all have skeletons when we have lived together for so long, through teething...

A nod is as good as a wink
Sometimes I feel like that blind horse.  I feel that they, those folk with their...

The greener grass
Is the saying a statement of fact or an admonishment for looking to the other side? ...

Under Growing Pressure
Images from the news collaged together 

All good things
All things end, not just good things, but they seldom end in a full stop.  Laughter...

Judging covers
It is just wrong, both about books and as a metaphor.  Of course a book should be...

/ˈtʌɪəd/ in need of sleep or rest; weary. "Fisher rubbed his tired...

Better alone
I don't know if the company is bad.  Is bad the company that does not encourage...

As you sow
So shall I reap, but it is not that straightforward.  Sometimes the ground is...

Cover-up Culture
This could be a nude figure with patterns and other words, or perhaps it is a tired man...

On death and respect
THE BEAR AND THE FOX /dɛθ/ the action or fact of dying or being killed; the...

BEAR was such a boasting crow

How I love man, oh did you know

I’ll never touch a dead body so

ause they are so, oh, i don’t know

FOX did laugh: what they would like

You leave them be when they’re alive

Live by bread
I know it is a metaphor, but I seem to be only eating bread these days.  Cheese...

/ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊə,ˌɪnsɪˈkjɔː/ (of a person) uncertain...

The SWALLOW and the CROW
SWALLOW was a flutter and a flaunt Saying: Beauty and Grace, my natural...

SWALLOW was a flutter and a flaunt

Beauty and Grace, my natural haunt

Designer plumage, always best for me

Everywhere I look, jeal-ou-sy.

CROW was a solid old bird

Said very little, or so I heard

Just one little mumble in retort:

Mine keeps me warm in winter.

Goodbye Anger
There is only one thing to put off for tomorrow: anger.  And if I could always put...

Six Defeats
Ink drawing of images from the news or Out of sight, there is so much more that it out...

So, yeah, it is not that she procrastinated today, not much really.  She started the...

/ˈbɪtə/ feeling or showing anger, hurt, or resentment because of bad...

Even a fool
Make no mistakes when you say nothing, though that is not strictly true, but there we...

Gift horse
This gift horse turned into a burden, hard work caring endlessly for this poor horse, no,...

Loose Ends in London
A male nude figure or, perhaps, better alone than in bad company, which sounds terribly...

An exploration of hedonism and failure through the retelling of some of the oldest and...

What you don't know
Sometimes it is quite difficult to puzzle it out, to puzzle out other people's...

Silence is golden
But today it didn't feel golden.  It didn't feel like it was something I...

Tell the whole truth
Images from the news collaged together; or...  If only we were able to tell the...

Safety in numb
The safety of being in the herd is a safety of the herd, not the safety of the...

/ˌdɪsəˈpruːvɪŋ/ expressing an unfavourable opinion. "he shot...

Fortunes favourites
Yes, well, we all know whonfoetune favours, and it is not I.  Today much of my day...

Slowly slowly
Oh, stupid monkey getting caught by a slow hand.  You should be caught by a clever...

020 :: Letter
Dearest Sister Day two.  I woke up to my first full day in London feeling so...

Signs could be spotted
Nude male figure with a leaf pattern, or...

Do not promise much and deliver little
The mountain was a beauty, though she shall not be named in this story. The labour...

April 24
Motivate, motivation, motivated.   This month I would like to reflect on my...

You are never too old
Maybe all those fine words and inspiration to me composed by the aging and the old should...

On assumed collaboration
THE ASS, THE FOX AND THE LION /əˈsjuːm/ suppose to be the case, without proof:...

You know ASS and FOX, pretend BFFs

Nights out in the forest, the toughest of roughs

FOX fearing LION begged for protection

How LION laughed at FOX’s assumption 

If FOX bound up ASS, LION’d let FOX be

The conniving FOX trussed ASS like a turkey

And in strolled old LION with pupils dilating

Destroyed stupid FOX with a fine ASS awaiting.

Despite the Uncertainties
Images from the news collaged together or, ...  A thought about letting go of...

The sum
I heard that success is the sum of small efforts, but I didn't hear how many small...

/ˈɡɪlti/ conscious of, affected by, or revealing a feeling...

Being first
Winning does not always mean being first, as a youth I had dreamed of being first. ...

Fun is good
It is good to take the time to have a little fun, sometimes that fun is in the work we...

A Deeply Broken System
A male nude partially frames, or ... Well, the system makes be broke, the taxes are a...

Shared earlier
There is no joy in possession except through sharing.  Of course it is not as...

TORTOISE luxuriated like only tortoises could Sunbathing lazily between the seabirds...

TORTOISE luxuriated like only tortoises could

Sunbathing lazily between the seabirds stood

Yawned and declared If only I could fly

From the pit
Then he said you can't give up on yourself there is always a way our and I said well,...

Wreaking Havoc
Collaging together images from the news, or...I read that nothing beats hard work, but...

I’d feel the sun like Icarus up high

I’ll give all the treasures for someone to try

Oh I, said EAGLE, I’ll take you to the sky

And up they went, up up up and again

But just below the clouds EAGLE let go

And down crashed TORTOISE in shattering pain

Oh, lamented poor TORTOISE, oh dear and oh no

Calm the storm
It has long been that I have stopped trying to calm the storm, the storm blows with fury...

/ˈpiːsf(ʊ)l/ free from disturbance; tranquil. "everything was so quiet...

No farewell words
While I drove you to the airport I thought about goodbyes.  The oldest memory of...

Breath is the power behind all things, I heard it on the radio.  A programme about...

Everyone's problem and time is running out
A nude male figure with a chair and other words, or...  Well, sleep, really. ...

Don't make fun of others limitations
Fox Invited Crane for dinner But served bean soup in a flat broad...

Long life
I heard for a long life you have to give up the things that make you want a long life,...

Spring clean
A clean house is the sign of an ordered mind, so I decided to clean the house. ...

Swallowing Conkers
Collaging together images from the news, or...  Waves, happiness comes in...

So, if life revolves around the way we are paid, that is the point of contention. ...

/ˈpleɪf(ʊ)l/ fond of games and amusement; light-hearted. "a...

Old dogs
So, I wonder if the old dog doesn't learn the new trick because the old dog cannot be...

Swan off on Jollies
A male nude figure with other words, or...  on their jollies they would have had the...

These are the FLIES This is the HONEY Oh dear, the HONEY undone And,...

And WOLF is watched
Wolf may have been exasperated by the tediousness of the hunt, perhaps this was because...

No listener
No story lives unless someone wants to listen.  The first time I told the story it...

Highlights package
Good days and bad days, and throughout what I was learning was the anecdotes I might tell...

On Suspicion
Images from the news collaged together, or... Later, sometimes art reflects life. ...

The maid
In the drama when the protagonist was being caught again in the cycle of anger and...

/strɛst/ experiencing mental or emotional strain or tension. "stressed...

Storytime flow
Initially I had nothing to say, I thought about what had happened and there was nothing I...

These are the FLIES

May 24
May I?  Wouldn't it be simply the most delightful idea to give answering the...

This is the HONEY

Oh dear, HONEY is undone

Predictably, here come the FLIES

Pawing and paddling in their numbers 

Spring poem
I read a poem today about spring, about spring coming again a year after the last: a time...

Slipping their digits in places undeserved

Slipping and sliding and finding themselves affixed

Oh foolish FLIES, they are suffocated

Dead and dying

Was the moment of pleasure worth it?

Sporting battlefields
The training uses equity, but in this situation I am happy with equality: if I follow the...

Privilege not Potential
A male nude figure, or... A little drive in the country with a nice walk on the tops of...

New wave of protests
Collaging together images from the news, or... Well, May is the time for protest, may day...

May I? I contemplated at the ballot box, May I pick the winner this time, even if it is...

/wiːk/ lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; having little...

Little rabbit
It was not something I had not done but it was something I had done very little. ...

Learning energy
I concentrated, stuck my tongue out the side of my mouth and worked hard at making a very...

The MAN and the LION
MAN and LION, another night in the forest  Boasting of strength and...

MAN and LION another night in the forest

Boasting about their strength and prowess

MAN pointed to the statue

A LION strangled by MAN

Now this, this proves the asent of man

But LION in reply simply laughed

If a lion had made the statue

It would have a different name

MAN under LION'S paw

Own this and fix it
A nude male figure a pattern and other words, or...  The words came from something...

Laying in waiting, like a working bee working hard to create the honey-pot.

The CRANES are in the field  And FARMER chases them away. Oh look, the CRANES...

The CRANES are in the field

A new book
May I try new paper, I haven't tried it yet but I have it.  A plane notebook...

FARMER chases them away

Oh look, the CRANES are in the field again

And here comes the FARMER to chase them away

Oh look, here are the CRANES again

And here is FARMER waving his gun

Now back again, here are those silly CRANES

Bang bang bang goes FARMERS gun

Well, now all the CRANES are gone

About the money
They practice, all day, all year, all the years since they were young they have been...

Club votes
Images from the news collaged together, or... He thought about it, he thought about it...

021 :: Exploring her Skroll
Naomi woke in an empty bed.  She had gone to sleep alone.  Sprawled.  In...

Full attention
Do they really want to retire to the seaside town?  Or to the country where...

/mad/ mentally ill; insane. "he felt as if he were going mad" very...

Maya I? Indeed you should. I shall then, thank you. Oh boy was I glad that I did. The...

022 :: Playback
Naomi touched the picture of the master lifting sushi from her nipple.  It was the...

Televisual appeal
Well, that was an interesting day to make a first decision.  Was it the day to...

A Credible Plan
A nude male figure with words, or... If I may, I think he is wondering about doing...

023 :: Ear worm speaker
Naomi looked at the door.  It opened.  Peter came in. Good morning....

These are the Flies
Waiting and awaiting for the chance to meet the honey, or... Well, what can they say when...

024 :: Coffee
Naomi typed on her Skroll.  She spoke in English..  Show my....

Related Stories
Sketches from images from the news, or...  Perhaps one is of a person saying my...

For the nude
She said what she didn't like about the books was there was only nude women, no nude...

/ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪn.tɪd/ sad or displeased because someone or something has...

Spam, Junk, Slop
A nude male figure with other words, or... Perhaps this is just a little disappointing...

CAT fell in love with a beautiful youngster So CAT fell at the feet of...

Journey home
It may not be new but, really, every conversation is new, even the conversations that are...

The outsider
Unsettled, but isn't it interesting what constitutes the outsider.  The person...

Bringing MOUSE to test CAT'S conversion.

Begging and pleading for help

CAT fell in love with a beautiful youngster

To be changed into a human

A beautiful human youngster

Well VENUS said yes.

A short while later VENUS visited the couple

Immediately CAT fell at the feet of VENUS

Immediately CAT leaped up and pleaded:

Change me into a mouse, a beautiful young mouse…

025 :: Dreams
Tell me your dreams. (Peter) To have a house like this.  To have parties that are...

Take gamble by calling
Inspired by images from the news, or... Perhaps they want it darker.  It is such a...

/dɪˈspeər/ the feeling that there is no hope and that you can do nothing to improve...

026 :: Miller
Shall I tell you our duties for today. (Peter) Yes. Please. (Naomi) We have to tidy...

Reading for contentedness
May I class reading a really good book as a new experience?  Sure, I have read many...

027 :: Letter
Dearest Sister, Day Three.  This is the best time of the day, the time I can type...

Red Riding Hood Reflection
Often read as a card of deceit or betrayal.  A person with a tricksterish gait has...

Tea time
There seems there needs to be another word for this state of drifting, this state of not...

No one is going to jail
Inspired by images from the news, and, well, there are those for whom life has at all...

The dancing CRANES
Cranes, like many birds, are beautiful dancers, and today, and tomorrow, like these...

June 24
Say something nice, clever, funny, or uplifting.  This will be easy on a Monday when...

People flee
Images from the news collaged together, movement, crisis, migration, hate and loss. ...

/ˈpaʊəf(ʊ)l/ having or producing great force or energy. "a fast, powerful...

028 :: First Morning Duties
Naomi woke before the alarm.  She sat up.  Bold red figures appeared on the...

Chores, I looked up the defi option and found tedious but necessary.  I don't...

xv the devil
I have heard the devil is an oppressive experience that is, in least at part, from...

The WAGON was laden and heavily pre-loaded And OXEN was strong, industrious and...

The WAGON was laden and heavily pre-loaded

And OXEN was strong, industrious and goaded

But it was AXLETREE that moaned and roused 

And sighed, and oh, and oh my god, espoused

OXEN complained: you lay doing nearly nought

Yet you squeal and roar and howl and shout.

Oh how I alone work for your sultry groan

Sometimes a little bit of bubble and fizz can help with the conviviality, this was my...

Lonely Figure
Nude male figure with other words, or... perhaps we should have a word about...

Facing tough decisions
Three naturist meerkats, or...perhaps they are having a conversation about a book they...

I was taken aback by the sudden feeling of sadness.  It was in a slightly quieter...

Slander Conviction
Conflict and migration images from the news collaged together, or... 

Bad ritual
I guess that is the way it usually happens.  One person does something, some action,...

Procrastination and crisis
Is procrastination and crisis a good, healthy approach to take?  I am not...

/ɪkˈsʌɪtɪd,ɛkˈsʌɪtɪd/ very enthusiastic and eager. "they...

What do I want, what is it that I really want.  There are a lot of things on that...

the fool
Oh look at that fool, falling, floundering, crashing about breaking the rules and...

029 :: Reflection and Revelation
Naomi opened her Skroll.  She tapped on her image.  Scrolled back to her...

Clearly disappointed
Clearly disappointed he was there.  Had been hoping for a nice quiet time cooking...

Butt and Fart
A male nude figure, or... Perhaps butt and fart are just words used to attract attention,...

Thirsty PIGEON
Fucking hell, PIGEON needed a drink PIGEON saw the sign and flew to it With...

Fucking hell, PIGEON needed a drink

PIGEON saw the sign and flew to it

With avuncular avidity and a loud whir

With vivacious voracity and an unwitting blur 

The fated impact, broken, struck down

Pie-eyed, blitzed, stewed and steaming 

PIGEON was gobbled up by BYSTANDERS

Dance Audition for MONKEYS
The MONKEYS prepare for their dancing auditions, or... Process is the thing,...

As a genuine laugh always does, it makes people laugh.  And the person it made laugh...

030 :: Breakfast
Peter’s Skroll buzzed.  He spoke quietly for Naomi to read the translation...

031 :: Letter
Dearest Sister, Day four.  Sometimes things are a little silly here.  I made...

Far-right Chameleon
Images from the news collaged together, or... There is an interesting difference between...

Culture wars
What amazing characters, the delightful interaction between an 19th century sailor and a...

/ˈbɪzi/ having a great deal to do. "he had been too busy to enjoy...

Behind the tales
It can be very clever to say something unexpected but it may not be a work of art beyond...

A long way from home
You may find your self a long way from home, or you may find your home a long way from...

On compliments and sales
It is such a thing when you recognise my art.  My reaction depends on how I am...

Frit or Lazy
A male nude figure with other fruit, or...  Well, sometimes it has to be...

The group invigorates all aspects of my life
I heard about it and though, yeah, sounds like it might be interesting so I came and it...

Grafters and the talent
I think the others will say that I carry the group a little.  I guess they will say...

I have seen the decline
Images from the news collaged together, or... perhaps an allegory of the pointlessness of...

032 :: Learning to ehhlie
Peter came into the room.  Naomi was lying on the bed. You get used to the...

/rɪˈdʒɛkt/ dismiss as inadequate, unacceptable,...

Something I believe in
These stories may be a very small thing and they may be read by very few people but...

An impossible task
The queen has an impossible task and all she has to complete the task is her sword. ...

Deliberate Errors
A nude male figure with a pattern, or... possibly, a successful evasive move from a...

You've heard this story before GOATHERD watching the GOATS A lazy, leery eye...

You've heard this story before

GOATHERD watching the GOATS

A lazy, leery eye noticed the straggler 

On the edge, vulnerable, alone

So GOATHERD whistled his intention and LONEGOAT was worried

So GOATHERD blew his and horn LONEGOAT shook with alarm

So GOATHERD charged in throwing all his stones

In the morning GOATHERD texts his sorrow: please don’t tell anyone

Tall tales that bind
Camaraderie, such a brilliant word, excellent syllables, never underestimate the...

Don’t be stupid, GOATHERD, the story is in every mark you left

Fair weather friends are not worth much
SWALLOW was a flutter and a flaunt Saying: Beauty and Grace, my natural...

Unglamorous nudity
I can't remember when we decided to play the roles as nudist animals, though I am...

/əˈɡrɛsɪv/ ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or...

And the heatwave
Inspired by images from the news, or... anger may be rising.  So little seems to be...

Whatever happened to...
There was no moment of inspiration to exclaim let's do this now.  We talked...

A delightful little chat
There is the cliche of the man taking charge of the journey and not asking...

vi the lovers
The lovers have choices they can make, unlike a child the lover chooses the relationship...

Grab hold of this moment
Today I am trying to keep going.  I am reaching out for that corner to hold on the...

Flames of Prejudice
A nude male figure with patterns and other words, or... Is the nude watching the...

A party of laughter
After a session working on the thirsty pigeon, everyone settles in for a party of...

July 24
This is the month for the summer takeover, the Amoral Crew diarising their days...

The rush of ideas
Oh, isn't it fabulous, that rush of ideas?  Sometimes it is an outpouring...

Keep Fighting
Collaging together images from the news, or... It takes so little to be overwhelmed,...

Chores, duties and inequality
Who chooses who will be the people who wash the dishes and clean the toilets?  I am...

/ˈɔːf(ʊ)l/ very bad or unpleasant. "the place smelled...

MISER invested everything in a gold bar: beautiful naked gold MISER buried it in...

MISER invested everything in a gold bar: beautiful naked gold

MISER buried it in a hole: deep naked hole

MISER worshipped his gold daily: loving naked worship

Dig THIEF dig, steal the gold: dirty naked theft

How MISER howled at the empty hole: pure naked misery

Well, NEIGHBOUR closed the hole: simple naked idea

Play or die
Draw me this: a depiction of balance and play.  Well, play could be considered the...

Now MISER worships the mound daily: holy naked ritual

Sometimes when writing poems
Sometimes a word, or a phrase, or a repetition, or a rhyme are so beautiful it needs to...

Change Fiscal Rules
A nudeale figure with a pattern, or... Back there you have to apply the rules as you know...

033 :: Shopping
Naomi and Peter walked down the high street.  Across the lights.  Back forty...

Do not try to hide what cannot be hid
This may be a story the goats have told before, enacted before, but still when the goats...

Step Aside
Collaging together images from the news, or... Perhaps it is the feeling that things are...

No fake sincerity
It felt a little strange at the time: the sincerity in his gratitude was strange because...

/ˈvʌln(ə)rəbl/ exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either...

A little annoyance
Mmm, well, today was a frustrating day in retrospect, when looking back over the day...

As you walk away
Walk away, sometimes it is necessary to walk away.  A careful and calm analysis of...

Two beauties
It was a tale of two beauties.  Both I noticed from afar, the first interested me...

Silent Fox
A male nude figure with a pattern, or... well, have you taken offence already? Sure, this...

034 :: The Poor
Peter opened his Skroll.  He tapped.  The screen changed to blue.  He...

035 :: The Gym
Shall I show you the gym. (Peter) Naomi nodded.  Peter stood.  Naomi...

What we have
They have somewhere better to be, that is why they are not here.  And us, we...

Poverty Taskforce
Inspired by images from the news, or... It seems like such a simple thing, we live in a...

All smoke
When there is a story about smoke, will there be the type of fire you expect or will it...

/ˈlʌvɪŋ/ feeling or showing love or great care. "a loving...

Just polite
It is strange, she is such a lovely person but I am not sure she really wants to get to...

ii the high priestess
The High Priestess knows about secrets.  She knows how to keep secrets.  And...

I am not sure it is as clever as they are making it out to be but it does have some...

Let extremists in
Inspired by images from the news, or... Plop

036 :: Free to laugh
Naomi and Peter walked back to M&S to collect their order.  This time the door...

Show of force sends message
Inspired by images from the news, or...

/ˈtʃiːki/ showing a lack of respect or politeness in a way that...

Attractive sneering
We sat together criticising the performance, the structure and the flaws, minor as they...

A personal holy place
On thinking about memory and nostalgia we can create ritual and ceremony to celebrate or...

Share the emotion
The thing, the real thing, is feeling the emotion, sharing the emotions.  Listening,...

Further Allegations Emerge
A male nude figure with a mirror and other words, or... Well, many days are just about...

As long as you are still listening
It was indeed well prepared.  We had done our research, settled on a story, worked...

Stories of wisdoms
A delightful surprise, a voice from behind, oddly familiar, oddly because I had not seen...

Horrifying Undercurrents
Inspired by images from the news, or... well, it is a thing we need to think about. We...

/ˈsliːpi/ needing or ready for sleep. "the wine had made her...

August 24
Come on summer, warm lazy days punctuated with thunderstorms, counting the time from the...

Good day bad day
At the end of the day I want to feel like the day has been productive, there are many...

How to light a fire
The queen wants to burn bright and steady, to show exuberance and enthusiarm and not to...

Think a nice thing
And taking the time to think about what the other person is worried about and thinking...

Start a fire today
Blow, blow, blow, every fire needs a fan when it is getting started, sometimes it is...

You will regret it
A male nude figure with words, or...

The result of well chosen words
Words, nine short lines and I thought that was good, that was something to read to the...

Activists and conspiracy theorists
Inspired by images from the news, or... well, what will we do?  Who is it we need to...

/ɪnˈadɪkwət/ lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a...

On ownership and borrowing
I have often wondered if my habits and foibles are truly mine or if they are borrowed,...

A sharp cut from the core
Turmoil, conflict and restriction can be found within when our core beliefs nip and cut...

Disrespectful false claims
A naked male figure with pattern, or... perhaps it is worthwhile considering how false...

037 :: Two animations by Jack
Naomi lay on the bed.  Opened her Skroll.  She tapped on the picture of...

038 :: Music to play memories to
A pot of water was boiling in the kitchen.  Naomi stood next to it.  Peter...

039 :: Letter
Dearest Sister Day five and today I report that everything is just right in...

040 :: Second morning duties
Peter woke Naomi.  She jolted.  She looked frightened as she worked out where...

Not clever enough to explain
If I could walk a mile in your shoes, sadly, it would just be me walking a mile in...

Eating slow food slowly
Shift, change position, one step to the left.  Everyone together now...  This...

Unbearable strategy and waiting
Inspired by images from the news, or...

/ˈvaljuːd/ considered to be important or beneficial; cherished. "a...

041 :: Music, magic and sex
Naomi opened the bedroom door.  Peter was sleeping. Naomi put one earpiece in her...

042 :: Cooking is not my thing
Peter came up the stairs.  Naomi sat at the breakfast bar.  Two bowls. ...

The truth of healing relationships
Of course the queens cup is large, it is a symbol of her empathy.  Of her strength,...

Another think
Different days have different moments.  Some days have a general overall feeling...

043 :: A mother
Naomi and Peter were sitting at the end of the garden. What this. (Naomi) Oh. ...

Mating season
A naked male figure reclining, or... 

Or other contrition
It is important to develop those habits to create the space to relax a moment I to a...

Artful Takedown
Inspired by images from the news, or... Well, it was not artful, really, it was...

/rɪˈspɛkt/ admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities,...

The end of the show
Nine years ago, the photo popped up on my phone, a birthday cake, candles, two little...

044 :: As if not spoken aloud
Peter and Naomi sat in silence at the end of the garden.  The Thames on the one end...

xiii death
Oh death, here you are with your melancholy and finality.  Last night I watched a...

Truly magnificent
Those dead men's paintings, oh how magnificent they are... aquired by... on load...

Magic in the tussle
A naked male figure, or...

045 :: Bathing Diane
Naomi lay asleep on the lower terrace.  Peter woke her. Diane will be home...

On cunning and connivance
THE SICK LION /ˈkʌnɪŋ/ having or showing skill in achieving one's ends...

Sick LION, that cunning old queen

Let everyone know: I can only be seen


They were devoured whole, foolish beasts.  

Wary FOX watched the conniving bitch

Wondered what happened in the den: switch

Change plan, apology sent, visit not done

Flounce away young foxy: live, love, laugh.

047 :: Letter
Dearest Sister Day six and I hope you will write to me soon.  Everything has...

I'm not pretending I haven't lost
Inspired by images from the news, or... Why do we become so convoluted, why do we wrap...

This will be us together
When I arrive I often feel the joy of the new.  It is a little foolish, perhaps, as...

The hope of a healthy boundary
Boundaries, they are there to protect us, to allow us to relax for a moment and not...

/ɔː/ a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or...

A good tale offers an interesting ride.  It starts off with an invitation, a promise...

Centre Right Ahead
A male nude figure with other words, or... 

September 24
Drifting by, floating on the energy of those unconcerned with the passing of time, can...

The GROOM and the HORSE
Oh GROOM currycomb HORSE Rub it, rub it, rub it, so it feel good Oh GROOM take...

Does joy make us better
And so we were distracted by intensity of old feelings.  Strong words were spoken...

To keep the water calm
Once again awaiting with anxiety the thing that may not happen at all.  Well, that...

Three-year wait
Inspired by images from the news, or...  We have to consider how much we make folk...

/əˈstɒnɪʃt/ adjective: astonished greatly surprised or...

The first moment inches apart
In the dream there were two people inches apart reaching for each other yet not quite...

Unpopular plan to cut
A male nude figure with leaves and other words, or... It is interesting considering...

The invitation
The invitation is in his left hand. And in his right his phone for checking the...

A straw of hope
And so we carry on, best laid plans and all that.  Here we were, we had extended the...

Pay the Price
Inspired by images from the news, or... 

/ˌapəˈθɛtɪk/ showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or...

/ɪnˈdɪf(ə)rənt/ having no particular interest...

What kind of friend are you?
And can you see me now?  The friends can see each other, they notice each other and...

The Rules
The naked man with a wolf mask wearing a lovely coat pulls a suitcase into a room. It is...

xviii the moon
And so began my week of lunar confusion.  The path I had trodden so casually...

Fewer than one in five
A male nude figure, or... Well, there are not many who are strongly apposed, the...

Repercussions are inevitable
Inspired by images from the news, or... Well, there are so many things that are...

To get back at men
To get back at men, she said it with very little explanation so I pursued with the...

046 :: Watching a film with Peter
Peter looked up when Naomi entered the cinema room.  He pointed to the sofa chair...

Time moves slower
And there are times when time moves faster and there are times when time moves...

/ˈhɛlpləs/ adjective unable to defend oneself or to act without...

/ˈfrʌɪtnd/ afraid or anxious. "a frightened...

The idea and the thing
To the left of this queen are the idea, my ideas, your ideas, the idea of ideas.  To...

This lustful beast
Oh my knight, you lustful, passionate beast, you warrior, agressive and determined, nay,...

Sickened by Revelations
A naked male figure with a pattern, or... It is those moments when I am let down either...

You have to love yourself
You have to love yourself.  I am not sure I agree when she said you have to say to...

Calls for real peace
Inspired by images from the news, or... Yet again when I opened the newspaper on my...

/ˈnəːvəs/ easily agitated or alarmed. "a sensitive, nervous...

/ɪkˈspəʊzd,ɛkˈspəʊzd/ adjective not covered or hidden;...

How to grasp and hold
The things we can grasp and hold, the things within our reach, competance and capability...

This feels flat
Imagine standing in this empty space, this flat empty space.  The space is not...

Extraordinary Hypocrisy
A nude male figure with pattern, or... we need to talk, sometimes.  Would you do the...

October 24
Frame and reframe, the autumnal weather is a bedtime symphony, the naked misery is a...

A mezzanine library
The naked woman with a lamb mask wanders along the mezzanine floor.  There are no...

Perform we must
I remember moments when I have said something funny, when I have genuinely entertained,...

The ritual at the end of the day
It can be in the drink and the chat after where the event is turned into a memory. ...

Not posing threat to life
Inspired by images from the news, or... While we are examining the question we have to...

Turning mundane
Isn't it amusing how mundane life is.  Today might be as exciting an adventure...

Future memories of regret
Once, a very long time ago, I was told to do something greatly instructional but which I...

WOLF alone
Alone in a room is the diminutive figure of WOLF. Lying still. Viewed from different...

Doubts grow over
Naked male figure repeated, or... while the plan was made with consideration of the...

Portrait of a story
While she drew your portrait you told a story, and the story you told informed the...

Guilt is overwhelming
Collaging together images from the news, or... perhaps, investigating the feeling behind...

Traditional storytelling
And so the plan went wrong, there was a little flutter and a scurry of panic but you...

Be not a pest
It is simple, the thing you need to do is be interested in the other person, whomever...

The joy of competitiveness
Oh, the joy of competitiveness.  A while ago, longer than I care to note, it was the...

This is the narrative
So if this was a male narrative would it be a linear progression from foreplay to orgarm,...

Meanwhile, at the front door
A woman approaches the front door.  She looks about.  She has been here before....

On the conceit of the boast
THE WOLF AND THE FOX /kənˈsiːt/ excessive pride in oneself: "he was...

Discharges breached permits
A naked male figure, or... 

Empowering the undermined
It is a tricky thing empowering people, it is far easier for a leader to undermine than...

Essential Supplies
Inspired by images from the news, or... while we keep pushing, while we keep trying,...

The beautiful writing
I noticed the stack of papers, an attractive yet simple handwriting, a series of small...

Focus and focus again
The clouds may be sharp and the thunder endless with anxiety, loneliness, lust, and...

Exaggerated after strike
A nude male figure on a bed of words, or... a subtle change was made in the...

Zen in a tent
She used the phrase zen in a tent and I thought that was a nice description.  Since...

Oh GROOM currycomb HORSE

Rub it, rub it, rub it, so it feel good

Oh GROOM take HORSE'S oats

Eat it, eat it, eat it so it feel good

Oh GROOM now HORSE is hungry

Sell it, sell it, sell it, so it feels good

Oh GROOM see HORSE is dying

Move it, move it, move it, so it feels good

The words were spoken
It was said, the words were spoken.  It does not matter that the words were spoken...

The Green Room
The actors and players relax for a moment, they talk about what the roles they have...

WOLF arrived at the front door not knowing what was awaiting within.  If you...

FOX has an uncanny sense of the order of things.  If you asked, FOX would say it...

After we attack
Images from the news collaged together, or... is this a filling up of yet younger and...

Purely decorative
It was a beautiful thing, I hear there are fewer people than ever who understands the...

/ɪnˈfjʊərɪeɪt/ make (someone) extremely angry and impatient. "I was...

/əˈnɔɪd/ adjective adjective: annoyed slightly...

Here is the cure
A nude male figure with words, or... while we are waiting with anticipation for our...

It would be wrong to think of LAMB as a victim, of course LAMB does not think this. ...

On choices of the lithe
THE LAMB AND THE WOLF /tʃɔɪs/ an act of choosing between two or more...

People we will not hire
Images from the news collaged together, or... 

/dʒʌdʒˈmɛnt(ə)l/ of or concerning the use...

/ˈhɒrɪfʌɪd/ adjective filled with horror; extremely shocked. "the...

/ˈhɛzɪt(ə)nt/ adjective tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or...

/ɪmˈbarəst,ɛmˈbarəst/ adjective feeling or...

Space to move
So here we stand again in this court that celebrates the ability to think, and evaluate,...

November 24
The year is waning, like the days it is getting darker, colder more forlorn.  The...

To the Shack
A life that promised as much greatness as the mother could imagine, in the words...

Descend into chaos
A male nude with flowers and other words, or... today is the future we were planning for...

Look over there, lovely LAMB lush and lithe

Watch out for WOLF, toxic masculine deprive

Incel incited angry instinctual sex drive

Quick dart away, save yourself, LAMB dive

Oh little LAMB, do you know where you hide,

The priests in that temple will skin you alive

They’ll sacrifice you sure as the day

So come back out, listen to what I say.”

WOLF your words are sweet but you always lie

Your ears, your eyes, and your teeth can’t deny

If I step out to your side, I will surely die

The Key Swings
Collaging together images from the news, or... this may have been trying to work out what...

Step out of the echo chamber
Sometimes it is as simple as raising your eye to see the cup that is being offered to...

The FOX and the WOLF2
Wolf is proud, loud

The FOX and the WOLF3
Wolf will boast, most

The FOX and the WOLF 4
Wolf devoured lamb, kazam

The FOX and the WOLF 5
With a little slick, trick

Amid fears over extremist
Disproportional nude male figure with pattern, or... tough, smart, innovative …...

The FOX and the WOLF 6
Wolf now announced, flounced

The FOX and the WOLF 7
You can call me lion, lie-in

The FOX and the WOLF 8
And FOX muttered, oh what a fool he

The FOX and the WOLF 9
Does be, this story shall end

The FOX and the WOLF 10
my friend, when WOLF meets LION

The FOX and the WOLF 11
And FOX turned to go

On righteous entitlement
THE WOLF AND THE LION /ˈrʌɪtʃəs/ morally right or justifiable:...

A woman gets out of a taxi. When she gets to the door it opens. Buzz. She steps into a...

The anxiety that drove it
Collaging together images from the news, or... it was longer than expected, months...

Lion is all lion.  The top, the alpha, the leader, the force, the drive.  Lion...

The woman stands at the door, examining her phone. The door opens to her touch. She steps...

The assembly
The naked woman in a lion mask steps into a room with a sofa and a champagne...

/ˈʌɪsəleɪtɪd/ far away from other places, buildings, or people;...

/əˈband(ə)nd/ having been deserted or left. "an abandoned...

A Triumph Indeed
Achievement is valued greatly, we would all want to be part of that group that goes by...

Shock and awe approach
A naked male figure looking away with words, or... moving towards a change, thinking...

Oh HARE, my poor deluded bunny.  You have such great plans to talk your mind, to...

For first time
Inspired by images from the news collaged together, or... well, the first time always...

A history of every soul
This is the story, as I heard, when you die time ends but information still flows, ideas...

xx judgement
We are limited in this human body with finite, and, indeed, quite small levels of...

Giving false impression
A nude male figure with other words, or... there is often the impression that carries the...

The WOLF and the LION 1
Casual, careless, LAMB nods at WOLF

The WOLF and the LION 3

The WOLF and the LION 4

The WOLF and the LION 5
But here in thE den, the sofa is taken

The WOLF and the LION 6

The WOLF and the LION 7
Now WOLF whimpers: not righteous you taking my lovely lambkin

The WOLF and the LION 8
lovely lambkin

The WOLF and the LION 9

The WOLF and the LION 10
Slink away WOLF like the slinkiest slinker

The Wolf and the Lamb
WOLF, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him,...

Moral Tales
The fabulists tells and retells the stories, here we have selected some of these short...

The Kingdom of the Lion
THE BEASTS of the field and forest had a Lion as their king. He was neither wrathful,...

And will it succeed
Collaging together images from the news, or... 3700, 126, 24, the numbers can be quoted...

The Bear and the Fox
A BEAR boasted very much of his philanthropy, saying that of all animals he was the most...

The Thief and the Innkeeper
A THIEF hired a room in a tavern and stayed a while in the hope of stealing something...

The Lamb and the Wolf
A WOLF pursued a Lamb, which fled for refuge to a certain Temple. The Wolf called out to...

The Wolf and the FOX
AT ONE TIME a very large and strong Wolf was born among the wolves, who exceeded all his...

The Wolf and the Lion
A WOLF, having stolen a lamb from a fold, was carrying him off to his lair. A Lion met...

The Wolf in sheep's clothing
ONCE UPON A TIME a Wolf resolved to disguise his appearance in order to secure food more...

The Lion and the Hare
A LION came across a Hare, who was fast asleep. He was just in the act of seizing her,...

The Sick Lion
A LION, unable from old age and infirmities to provide himself with food by force,...

The Fox and the Mask
A FOX entered the house of an actor and, rummaging through all his properties, came upon...

Emotions move people
The ace of cups, the singular chalice, is the first to approach when seeking the...

The Fox and the Goat
A FOX one day fell into a deep well and could find no means of escape. A Goat, overcome...

The Fox and the Lion
WHEN A FOX who had never yet seen a Lion, fell in with him by chance for the first time...

The Ass, the Fox and the Lion
THE ASS and the Fox, having entered into partnership together for their mutual...

A place to be content
The naked woman with the LAMB mask wanders into a courtyard.  The sun is shining,...

The Kid and the Wolf
A KID standing on the roof of a house, out of harm’s way, saw a Wolf passing by and...

On mischief and insult
THE KID AND THE WOLF mischief /ˈmɪstʃɪf/ playful misbehaviour, especially on the...

December 24
My feet are cold as I write this, I could get up and find some socks, some slippers or a...

Cost of Closing
Collaging together images from the news, or... the pretax losses quadrupled and the...

The big bad reputation
The naked man before wearing the wolf mask was not always bad, so why the wolf...

The Shepherd and the Wolf
A SHEPHERD once found the whelp of a Wolf and brought it up, and after a while taught it...

On reaping and sowing
/riːp/ cut or gather (a crop or harvest): "many men were employed to reap the...

On mischief and insult 1
LAMB looked down on WOLF

On mischief and insult 3
with a giggle and a sigh and a mischievous smile

On mischief and insult 4
Your eyes are like IKEA with a yellowing stain,

On mischief and insult 5
Your ears are like grey rags frayed in the drain,

On mischief and insult 6
Your teeth may be big but the odour would maim

On mischief and insult 7
Watch out for woodcutters and grannies with brains.

On mischief and insult 8
Now hear the WOLF mutter, your words cut through butter

On mischief and insult 9
Its not you that is brave, but the floor that you saves,

On mischief and insult 10
If I were up there with you right now, you'd be... fucking tasty.

Winner and losers
Imagine you had complete power to promote a winner of five fighting rivals and suppress...

Shouting the loudest
Then I remembered I had just written a note about being stuck, not knowing which way to...

Takes the oath
A nude male figure with a pattern, or... this would be the observation of the movement of...

The slight man stood on the corner for a long time, well over ten minutes.  He was...

Beyond this point
The slight man with the slight limp walked confidently throught the courtyard, curving...

Must reassure consumers
Images from the news collaged together, or... to put it another way the consumers must be...

A place called home
What could be more harmonious than feeling at home, even if that feeling is fleeting it...

Behind the lionisation
A naked male figure with words and leaves, or... a thought about the great feelings that...

The Hares and the Foxes
THE HARES waged war with the Eagles, and called upon the Foxes to help them. They...

From the Shepherd and the Wolf 1
Now listen carefully while tell you this tale

From the Shepherd and the Wolf 3
Of a young little whelp, fragile and frail

From the Shepherd and the Wolf 4
Neglected, discarded, beaten and weak,

From the Shepherd and the Wolf 5
Found by a shepherd, but life remained bleak.

From the Shepherd and the Wolf 6
Preaching destruction, those shepherds in frocks

From the Shepherd and the Wolf 7
Taught how to steal lambs from the neighbouring flocks

From the Shepherd and the Wolf 8
Through beatings and beatings and howling out loud

From the Shepherd and the Wolf 9
Till WOLF was fully grown and menacingly growled

From the Shepherd and the Wolf 10
All these lessons, motherfucker, you ve taught me through pain

From the Shepherd and the Wolf 11
Best watch out, motherfucker, lest I come back again

Not planning a murder
Images rom the news collaged together, or... it was said she had not met anyone evil,...

The library
The naked slight man with a HARE mask stepped into a library, it was a library of one...

On counting and costs
THE HARES AND THE FOXES counting /ˈkaʊntɪŋ/ taking account of when reaching...

/ˈkɒnfɪd(ə)nt/ feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's...

/səkˈsɛsf(ʊ)l/ accomplishing a desired aim or result: "the focus should...

viii strength
There she goes again, our hero embarking on the quest, the mission, the journey, and the...

With success comes a new threat
A nude male figure with a beach, or... when thinking about the possibility of new and as...

Heartfelt thanks
Collaging together images from the news, or... a contemplation on strength, care and...

iv emperor
But what is power and what does it mean to me, and how can I apply this to myself? ...

Measurable, lasting outcomes
A nude male figure in front of a sign, or... another look at how things can be better...

From the Hares and the Foxes 1
Look at EAGLE, curves so divine, sexy, exotic, ruler of the mind

From the Hares and the Foxes 3
Look at EAGLE, femdom sublime, dominatrix, sublimating my time

From the Hares and the Foxes 4
Terrifying trembling little HARE with talents long and sharp as knives

From the Hares and the Foxes 5
But do not worry about HARE, HARE makes plans in fives

From the Hares and the Foxes 6
What HARE needs is a sharp tooth and HARE knows a genuine muth

From the Hares and the Foxes 7
HARE plans to seduce FOX with finess and gently waving a firefly penis

From the Hares and the Foxes 8
But FOX just laughs: you nasty little fuck, EAGLE can have you, good luck.

The Hares and the Lions
THE HARES harangued the assembly, and argued that all should be equal. The Lions made...

A window wondering
The naked slight man with the HARE mask stares out the window pretending to be absorbed...

On words and teeth
THE HARES AND THE LIONS words /wəːd/ a single distinct meaningful element of...

Very Intentional
Collaging together images from the news, or... 

A new jumble of words trying to prove I have stuck to the new year resolutions I have...

January 25
Although this is such a poor time to think of new beginnings, it is the time we have, the...

/ˌdɪsɪˈl(j)uːʒnd/ disappointed in someone or something that...

/pəˈplɛkst/ completely baffled; very puzzled. "she gave him a...

From the hares and the lions 1
HARE performed a silent harangue

From the hares and the lions 3
Berating the assembly in the form of mime

From the hares and the lions 4
Arguing that all should be equal

From the hares and the lions 5
LION rose with a tremulous voice grumbling over the hubbub:

From the hares and the lions 6
Your words, O HARE are good

From the hares and the lions 7
but they lack both claws and teeth

From the hares and the lions 8
And that is not all we got

The naked slight man in the HARE mask understands the protest for equality amongst the...

The Hare and the Hound
A HOUND started a Hare from his lair, but after a long run, gave up the chase. A...

Protect the heart
The moment the blindfold engulfed her she clasped both the swords to her heart, for that...

Handover delays
A nude male figure with tourist attraction, or... when examining the reports that have...

From Hare and the Hound
No HARE in the lair, run HARE run  Run run HARE run rabbit run Run HOUND,...

From Hare and the Hound 1
No HARE in the lair, run HARE run

From Hare and the Hound 3
Run run HARE run rabbit run

From Hare and the Hound 4
Run HOUND, chase HARE run rabbit run

From Hare and the Hound 5

From Hare and the Hound 6
Oh HOUND, why did you stop, HARE to quick for you?

From Hare and the Hound 7
Oh no, you see HARE runs for dear life, I just run for my dinner.

Policing will lead to clash
Collaging together images from the news, ...  well, it appears the question of...

Another year to set on fire, another fifty2 weeks of reporting to go, with ai and...

iii the empress
But how does it feel, how does it really feel?  It may be the cleverest of things to...

Twelve nights running
A nude male figure with landmark and other words, or... we can look at the landmarks, the...

Thursday Portraits 25-01-16
Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour #ink and #acrylicsketch on #printedpage of Ralph...

Thursday Portraits 25-01-16 1
#selfiesketch inspired by @Pietro_Cis #selfie

Thursday Portraits 25-01-16 3
#selfiesketch inspired by @TheStaya1973 #selfie

Thursday Portraits 25-01-16 4
#selfiesketch for #self

The glaze of success
The naked slight man in the HARE mask lies motionless, no movement besides a slightly...

The Hare and the Tortoise
A HARE one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the Tortoise, who replied,...

A confusing memory
The naked slight man with the HARE masks gets confused when remembering a...

The Dog and the Hare
A HOUND having started a Hare on the hillside pursued her for some distance, at one time...

On sincerity and distrust
THE DOG AND THE HARE sincerity /s(ɪ)nˈsɛrɪti/ the absence of pretence, deceit,...

Let down
/ˈlet.daʊn/ fail to support or help someone as they had hoped or expected:...

/rɪˈzɛntf(ʊ)l/ feeling or...

From the dog and the hare 1
Run rabbit run, here thunders HOUND chasing your arse

From the dog and the hare 3
Come rabbit come, here saunters HOUND fondling your arse

From the dog and the hare 4
Run rabbit run, here screams HOUND kicking you like a prick

From the dog and the hare 5
Come rabbit come, here drools HOUND sucking you like a dick

From the dog and the hare 6
Run rabbit, come rabbit, run rabbit, come rabbit,

From the dog and the hare 7
Oh HOUND, what really turns you on?

Tread lightly, my friend
And with the interconnection of things we are left contemplating what we are doing to the...

The rise of fearless
A distorted expressive portrait 

Cruise past
Distorted portrait reflecting tired completion.

Doctored video alleged
A nude male figure in front of tourist attraction, or... so, of course, we have all...

Blink in the headlights
The slight naked man with the HARE mask lay with closed eyes in the dirt, tired, drained,...

From the lion and the hare
Oh fuck, here comes LION with a swagger and a sway Sniffing out poor HARE sleeping...

Contemplating luck and desire
The slight naked man with the HARE mask knows that luck is retrospective label yet cannot...

The Hares and the Frogs
THE HARES, oppressed by their own exceeding timidity and weary of the perpetual alarm to...

Historic admission
Collaging together images from the news, or... it is easy to see those men in their suits...

From the lion and the hare 1
Oh fuck, here comes LION with a swagger and a sway

From the lion and the hare 3
Sniffing out poor HARE sleeping away the day

From the lion and the hare 4
Prostrate, posthaste, plunder without delay

From the lion and the hare 5
Wait, oh what a beauty, watch BABYCALF walk that way

From the lion and the hare 7
But BABYCALF is too fast by half, and LION's lust didn't last

From the lion and the hare 6
Chase LION, race, embrace that bad space

From the lion and the hare 8
Back to poor HARE, the remnant, the remains

From the lion and the hare 9
But HARE is not there

Thursday Portraits 25-01-23
Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour #ink and #acrylicsketch on #printedpage of...

Thursday Portraits 25-01-23 1
#selfiesketch inspired by @popaocubo #selfie

Thursday Portraits 25-01-23 3
#selfiesketch inspired by @jess_rabbit6162 #selfie

Nebulous boudaries
Leaning forward, pushing, pushing with all the remaining strength, head down towards the...

From the Hares and the Frogs
Think of poor HARE, despair is not an amusement Opressed by timidity, weariness of...

Fear of contentment
The slight naked man with the HARE mask fears contentment.  Perhaps a life of...

The Hare and the Sparrow
A HARE pounced upon by an eagle sobbed very much and uttered cries like a child. A...

From the Hares and the Frogs 1
Think of poor HARE, despair is not an amusement

From the Hares and the Frogs 3
Oppressed by timidity, weariness of perpetual alarm

From the Hares and the Frogs 4
Always feeling exposed, vulnerable and very alone

From the Hares and the Frogs 5
HARE climbed the tower, to jump, decision made.

From the Hares and the Frogs 6
Meanwhile in the tower, young FROG heard the approach

From the Hares and the Frogs 7
Caught in a worry, FROG dove for the safety below

From the Hares and the Frogs 8
A three storey dive with a clatter and a splash

From the Hares and the Frogs 9
HARE turned to the sound with a pause for thought

From the Hares and the Frogs 10
And descended the stairs with a unmade decision

From the Hares and the Frogs 11
but still weary with despair

Just clean out
A nude male figure with door, or... while getting over-excited with repeatedly saying...

Another doorway
The slight naked man with the HARE mask walked from room to room, along corridors and...

From the sparrow and the hare
HARE did not care and HARE was undone A tasty snack for that archvillain...

No memories
The slight naked man with the HARE mask is undone, finished, time to move on.  But...

A shallow argument
Collaging together images from the news, or... the list of points to be taken on was...

Thursday Portraits 25-01-30
Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour #ink and #acrylicsketch on #printedpage of Self...

Thursday Portraits 25-01-30 1
#selfiesketch inspired by #selfie

Thursday Portraits 25-01-30 3
#selfiesketch inspired by #selfie

From the sparrow and the hare 1
HARE did not care thus HARE was undone

From the sparrow and the hare 3
A tasty snack for that arch-villain scream EAGLE

From the sparrow and the hare 4
Prepare for disrepair from despair dear HARE

From the sparrow and the hare 5
How SWALLOW did laugh, a full jackal cackle

From the sparrow and the hare 6
Your fleet little feet, well they sure can be beat

From the sparrow and the hare 7
While SWALLOW did titter blunt force in the shitter

From the sparrow and the hare 8
As FOX slammed it home, poor SWALLOW did groan

From the sparrow and the hare 9
Serves you right SWALLOW, do not laugh at sorrow

From the Hunter and the Horseman
EAGLE was the hunter  FOX played the horseman Trotting by and taking the...

You are a beautiful creature, so glorious, so free.  You can look down on us, you...

All be worth the price
A nude male figure with words and brambles or, another way of examining the assessment of...

Real estate interests
Collaging together images from the news, or... once again the same words are being heard,...

Thursday Portraits 25-01-23 4
#selfiesketcher for #selfie

Thursday Portraits 25-02-06
Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour and #inkdrawing on #printedpage of Bearded Man,...

Thursday Portraits 25-02-06 1
#selfiesketch inspired by #selfie

Thursday Portraits 25-02-06 3
#selfiesketch inspired by and...

I am Jules Artvan
Welcome to my collection of artworks, sketches, stories and other ideas.  I draw...