
I have reached a state of drastic unpreparedness.  I am not sure how to do an about face in this situation.  I am not sure what rabbits I can start looking for but I am going to have to do something because when everyone is looking at the hat wondering if it is only a hat they damnwell best be wrong, bitches.


Impending doom is one of the most common of the dooms found in this civil society.  See how the workers looked to the clear blue sky with a frown wrinkling their foreheads because of impending doom.  See how the bosses stare agitatedly out the windows of the tenth story offices because of impending doom.  And see how the little boy plays with his sticks and his toys blissfully unaware of impending doom.  He will be the first to go, or the last, perhaps, it depends on which type of story this one is.

Dusty count
He had not been thinking about it, that is the key to magic, it has to be...

October 23
An so with the darkness knocking at the door patiently waiting for the inevitability of...
