Red velvet warmth

For a moment, then for another moment life flickers into pleasantness, into a gentle warm feeling that things are not going to go wrong.  Because they don't, really, not as much as my mind predicts - no that approaching man in the hoodie is no more likely to stab me than I am to stab him.  I am wearing a hoodie too.  Gosh, if only I could stay in that red velvety warmth and not be dragged I to this insufferably cold paranoia.


It looked like wax, an interesting form but the position gave away it was gunge leaking from the man's eye, and I felt a little shiver of revulsion.  And I thought about the ways to tell the story: laughing at the poor man, empathising with his struggles.  The struggles are real, fam.  But then there was no one to tell the story to because I have broken this, shake, shake, shake until the relationship breaks and now I have to work every day to build.  Every day think of something kind, do something kind.  I broke it I must fix it.

Unexpected dread
Isn't it amusing how a day in which progress has been made but tasks not complete can...

February 24
So, there is this issue.  It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many...
