watercolour and ink on paper

Borrowed words

Gosh, isn't it such a dreary thing having to work out what the right thing to say is, firstly working out what is actually important.  I wonder if other people just know, me, I have only a vague idea of what goes on in my mind.  Then to figure out how to word the message, trixy things words, sometimes I think the words someone says is exactly right but I can't even borrow the words as their experience is theirs.  They are only borrowed, after all, words, I mean.


I would much rather be wandering down the nude beach looking at the naked bodies but instead I am enjoying watching the sporting efforts of millionaires, albeit those who have made their millions through their sport.  It should be the other way round, and I shouldn't be distracted by perky boobs or a bulging cock, but life is messy and I'm not perfect.

Every day I post a sketch to eBay or Etsy.  If you like any of the artworks on this site contact me and I can post it to eBay or:

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My sketches are inspired by the use of images on social media particularly in storytelling and reporting of current events.  Follow me or contact me:


Latest Sketches:

I think the thing about the patriarchy is the grooming.  So you have a group...

August 23
This is the summer, the air is warm and the tempers are fiery, and this summer I am going...
