Debauchery dreams

I was thinking about B today.  He was the kind of guy that crazy stuff happened about.  If he was at a party there was bound to be naked folk dancing on the tables.  That kind of crazy stuff.  I tried many times to encourage that hedonism, nude, lustful, in the moment madness.  But I always failed to inspire debauchery, I always imagined the lifestyle, never quite living it.


She was telling me this story about the man who had kept her on the phone all day with promises of this and that, of new sky discounts and rewards and all the time asking her for more details and then a note from her bank pinged on her phone asking if she was trying to change her pin and she said she was tired and hungry and the man said he would call her back and when he did she didn't answer, but I was a bit tired and not concentrating so I missed much of a very interesting story.

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