Duck le jaune

It must be good to be a duck in weather like this.  Not only is the water off your back but also the snails think hurrah, time to wander about because yellow warnings of rain are just the thing for us.  But, alas, today there are no ducks in the back garden, just snails.  I do wonder what the duck would do on all those other days that have no yellow warnings.  That is why I don't invite ducks to live in the back garden.  That and, of course, I cannot communicate with ducks, not even through recipes.


I wonder if I am forgetting things.  I wonder if I am forgetting more things than I used to forget.  I cannot remember when I gave up meat, less than a year ago and I cannot remember when that was.  I think I have been having the pins and needles in my left hand for about a week now, but I cannot remember exactly.  And today I forgot I was going to the hardware store to buy an extractor fan.  Thing about forgetting is than remember I have forgotten makes me feel anxious.  Would it be better not even to remember I had forgotten.

Every day I post a sketch to eBay or Etsy.  If you like any of the artworks on this site contact me and I can post it to eBay or:

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My sketches are inspired by the use of images on social media particularly in storytelling and reporting of current events.  Follow me or contact me:


Latest Sketches:

Hi Peter (Phoebe)

Evening Phoebe.  Can I take that for you.  Diane is in the living room.  Everything is ready for you. (Peter)

Phoebe stopped at the top of the stairs to survey the room.  A slow measured look from the kitchen to the sofas on either side of the long low table.  The table with the naked girl.  Diane seated at the girl's chest.  Twisted towards them.  Smiling.

Darling.  You look radiant. (Diane)

Oh darling.  She is fantastic.  You are so lucky. (Phoebe)

Luck has nothing to do with it.  Hello George.  (Diane)

Diane.  You look radiant. Um. (George)

Phoebe sat opposite Diane.  At a quick glance the sisters look nothing alike.  One dark.  The other blond.  With a closer look they have a strong sisterly resemblance.  Same high cheekbones.  Same prominent nose.  Same shape eyes.  Phoebe wore makeup.  Her hair flowing.  Fine physique.  Dressed in retro grunge.

George sat next to Phoebe.  In line with Naomi's hips.  A short man.  A little overweight.  Signs of faded tattoos showing below his polo t-shirt.  Balding.  His glasses did not quite suit the roundness of his face.  He leaned over Naomi to get a closer look.

What a feast. (George)

Oh George.  Remember the rules.  No touching today. (Diane)

Ah.  But how do we pick up the food. (George)

Diane turned towards the sound of the front door opening.

Just watch your stray fingers. (Diane)

John came up the stairs.  Almost ten years older than Diane.  A gentle soft ageing.  Slightly chubby features but a slim physique.  He worked out.  Full head of hair.  Average height but appeared taller because of his erect stature.  The type of man you would expect at the head of a business meeting.

John.  Good day. (George)

Same old.  Hello all.  Hello Naomi.  Welcome to your new home. (John)

She has no English.  Yet.  Can I get you a little glass. (Diane)

John kissed Diane.  He sat next to her.  Peter handed him a single malt with ice.  Naomi looked at him.  Then she closed her eyes.  Her eyes remained closed throughout the meal.

Favourite Fairy Vampire
There is a certainty in the writing, a brevity that, no matter how brief, leaves the...

February 24
So, there is this issue.  It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many...
