041 :: Music, magic and sex

Naomi opened the bedroom door.  Peter was sleeping.

Naomi put one earpiece in her ear.  She shivered.  She put the other one in.  She shivered again.  Naomi went to the toilet cubicle.  She closed the door.  She sat.  She opened her Skroll.  She looked at the music.  Scrolled down.  Tapped.  

Alicia Keys.  Growling start.  Heart beat drums.  Breathy voice.  Singing.  She tapped the translate symbol.

Without you.

She flicked it back to the start.

Tonight I am going to find a way to make it without you.  Even if you were a million miles away I could still feel you in my bed.  Near me.  Touch me.  Feel me.

She moved her hands like they were dancing to the music.  Or conducting it.

Even if you were a million miles away.

She flushed.  Washed.  In the room she set the song to loop.  She showered to the song.  She wrapped a towel about her.

Touch me.  Feel me.

She stood in front of the mirror with water dripping from her hair on her chest.  She wiped it away with her towel.  She dropped the towel on the stool.  She dipped her finger in the cream Diane had given them.  She moisturised.

You know I will always be in love with you right till the end.

She examined her body in the mirror.  The body that got her the job.  The body that was the job.  She looked at the body but her eyes lost focus.  Detached.  LIke the body in the mirror was a foreign object.  Like the song was separating her body from her.

A vision of beauty. (Peter)

Peter realised she could not hear him.  He sat up and reached for his Skroll.  His duvet fell away revealing his stiff cock.  Naomi turned.  Looked him up and down.  Turned away.

It like song without music. (Naomi)

Peter opened his Skroll.  Read the translation.  Pointed at his groin.

My. (Peter)

Naomi pointed at the ceiling.  She opened her Skroll.

It like bottle of milk for baby. (Naomi)

Who has baby. (Peter)

The job.  Job like bottle of milk for baby. (Naomi)

You mean sex with John and Diane. (Peter)

Yes.  Breast milk is good for baby.  It intimate.  It make love.  Bottle milk just food. (Naomi)

Peter went to the toilet. 

I do not really know anything about breast feeding but I know about songs without tunes.  They are poems.  I like poetry.  You have to be in the mood for poetry but you can listen to a song anytime.  The tune makes you tap your foot.  The drums make you want to dance and when you dance you remember a time when you were happy.  Music makes you happy that way.  Poetry is about the words.  It is about reading the line.  Understanding the line.  Thinking about it.  Working it out.  I like that.  I read poetry sometimes.  It is like being an au pair because you have to pretend to like it even if you are not in the mood. (Peter)

No.  Music is magic in song.  No music mean no magic.  It still song but no magic.  No intimate. (Naomi)

Naomi looked at Peter when she spoke.  Peter looked at his Skroll when he spoke.

Yeah.  I guess.  Okay.  I see they are gone. (Peter)

I get breakfast. (Naomi)

English (Peter)

Do breakfast. (Naomi)

She left the room.  Peter stepped in the shower.


042 :: Cooking is not my thing
Peter came up the stairs.  Naomi sat at the breakfast bar.  Two bowls. ...

The Au Pair
Set in a dystopian near future, an au pair comes to London hoping to lift her life from a...
