A place to be content

The naked woman with the LAMB mask wanders into a courtyard.  The sun is shining, creating areas of shade and light but there is an equal sense of warmth and cool no matter where the naked woman with the LAMB mask stands. 

Is this something to do with this strange place.  This place that seems familiar enough to be a memory yet at the same time feels like this is the first time.  The first courtyard.  The first stone wall.  The first doorway.

The naked woman with the LAMB mask becomes listless.  Alone.  Silent.  Somehow knows this is a place to be content, yet now is not the time to be content.

The naked woman with the LAMB mask moves towards the door.


A mezzanine library
The naked woman with a lamb mask wanders along the mezzanine floor.  There are no...

It would be wrong to think of LAMB as a victim, of course LAMB does not think this. ...
