003 :: Airport

The young woman was seated with her head resting on her hands when a young man came into the room.  He was short, slight and had floppy hair.

Hi there.  I am Simon.  You have been cleared to start your new life in London. (ATS Agency B13) 

She looked at him blankly.  She didn't know what to do.  How could she?  She didn't understand him.  He could be there to check her documents.  Or to welcome her to her new life.  Or to send her back home because of some mistake.  He did not seem interested in her.  His body language was impatient.  He looked at her.  He scanned the room.  All the time his fingers tapped against his leg.

Come along then. {ATS Agency B13)

He turned to go.  She watched him go.  He turned and held his hands out in exasperation.  She stood.  She followed him.  Down the corridor.  They emerged into the terminal from a door marked no entry.  She followed him through the airport.  She looked about as she walked.  Airports are always busy.  Full of people.  Different people.  People from the East, like her.  People from the South.  People from everywhere in the world.  People from London.  People with signs.  People looking for signs.  People with big suitcases.  With smart clothes.  Looking tired.  Everyone looked tired.  They had the weariness of waiting.  They sat on benches.  They sat in restaurants.  They looked at their phones.  Their tablets.  Their Skrolls. 

Airports are filled with noise.  Announcements.  Conversations.  Occasionally she looked at someone like she recognised what they said.  She lingered a moment.  She ran to catch up to Simon.  She did not say anything to anyone.

Simon looked over his shoulder only once.  Probably to see if she was following.  He did not offer her anything.  Not even water.  She had not had anything to drink since landing.  She must have been thirsty.  Just thirsty, not hungry.  They always feed travellers on long flights.

Simon led her to the station.  The barrier opened as he approached.  He stood in the barrier.  She caught up with him.  They went through together.  She followed him to the train.  They boarded the second car.  He sat on a window seat.  Facing forwards. She hesitated then sat opposite him.  He ignored her.  He took out his Skroll.  A new one.  The one in adverts.  Thin as card.  Big as a D-screen when unrolled.  Small as a pen when rolled up.  The chrome curves keep it as stiff as teflon.  Laid on the small table between them.   One directional.  He could see what was playing, not her.  Occasionally he typed.  Mostly he watched.  She looked at it.  Looked at him.

The train shuddered.  Left the station.


004 :: The Train
The young woman stared out the train window.  She watched her new country...

The Au Pair
Set in a dystopian near future, an au pair comes to London hoping to lift her life from a...
