
Goodbye, farewell, so long and all that.  It has been a merry old time, another 365plus sketch year, some of which I liked a lot.  As for reading, not much worth noting this year.  Perhaps I will notice more next, next year.  As for resolutions, let me always seek out times when I can be that better person I aspire to be.


The wind is gentler now, it still makes a sound in the trees outside the window but not as constant as it was earlier.  And the tappity tap on the rain drops is more of a patter than a flowing drum but the cars, few as they are now as it is late, the car tyres still make a washing sound on the street.  It is a good winter storm, a nice day to be indoors, reading a good book.

December 23
Now there are many posts in this chain, I believe streak is the pore appropriate word, I...
