Dot to dot

StoryDots was meant to be a project to bring storytelling into the age of social media.  Gradually over the years I have fiddled with it and now there are other ways of making stories on our phones and computers, but perhaps there is still a space in social media that will mimic the form of writing but open up the story into a greater depth where fan fiction can combine with webtoons with original art and memes or those faes.  And maybe I can pull this space together before my mind drips away into muddle.  And perhaps this project is more about linking from one to another, joining the dots.


It was endless and relentless, it would make a reasonably selling book, but not one they sell the film rights for.  Nothing that original.  Just a story about how everyday when the protaginist comes home another thing is changed in the household.  This time it was the kitchen had been ripped out and a bedroom placed in the centre.  Not done proper, just ripped out.  And the protaginist tries to explain how this shouldn't happen because the gas could leak and the house would explode, possibly.  But it didn't and the protaganist can say nothing.  And that is the point the protaganist can say nothing because no one listens.  It is a story about the silence of not having a voice.

July 23
Books, that is what I am turning to this month.  Proactive action as suggested by...
