On ownership and borrowing

I have often wondered if my habits and foibles are truly mine or if they are borrowed, temporarily, even if the time period seems to be life.  And I wonder if I can use the words to describe the habit or foible in the phrase I heard another say first, in a phrase that is indeed borrowed.  Well, today a little thing happened and I thought: this is something I can tell you when I get home.  But I can't because you are away and I felt a little sad, I missed you.  Then I realised it may be a borrowed phrase that my life has meaning through describing it to you but the phrase doesn't matter because it is just a description of how I feel.  I can own other people's words as deeply as I believe I can own other people's words

Disrespectful false claims
A naked male figure with pattern, or... perhaps it is worthwhile considering how false...

August 24
Come on summer, warm lazy days punctuated with thunderstorms, counting the time from the...