Valid and validity

Just how it is, just stop. Hop, drop, tip top, words are a flop, slop, crop. Cut it out completely.  And slow, slowly breathe in, gently draw the air, and out.  The words that come back to me, the warning that was given when I may have said something compromising, those words, definite words, those are the words I want spoken about me.  But I will not say those words, and I do not know if they would be true if I did say them, as I haven't said them I don't need to confront their validity.


Expectations.  They lead to disappointments when I let them expectations fill up with the hot air that is my understanding.  They lead to disappointments because that hot air is only my understanding and nothing more because I haven't put in the effort to ensure that you know what my understanding is.  I wonder what would happen if I was certain you understood and still let the disappointments happen.

Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is November and we don't need to feel guilty about putting on the heating.  Of course it doesn't change other plans, and the storytelling through picture books for adults is still what I want to do.  I have a couple dozen outlines this November is when I start filling in the finer detail.

White noise
What will it be like when no one knows what the visual equivalent of white noise...

November 23
Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is...

The wrong game
So here is the thing, turning the tide is done with a stone of  unimaginable...
