Cross-dressing mother hen

And so, perhaps like the great many, I grew thinking I was the alpha male, the strong man, the decisive leader.  And I could present myself as the beta, working my way up, rung over rung on that corporate ladder until I found myself in the position of an alpha and I was indecisive and lost control.  It turns out I had always been a cross-dressing mother hen.  If only I had known earlier.


I suspect it is all really simple: all you got to do is keep.saying stuff and you will say the right thing. The thing is the more you say the more practice you have at saying stuff, and maybe it is a bit like that rule about how much you need to practice to be good at something. Keep talking.

I sought the time to read today, but all I managed was a chapter in the morning and...

May 23
A fitting way to start a new month is to take the next step, one foot in front of the...
