Mucky muck

Try, try to ensure they understand what you think, not what you think they want to hear but what you think.  Of course always be kind in sharing your honest word.  I think a lot of the mess I find myself in now would have been avoided if I'd just said what I thought as kindly as I could.  Instead the pinched face as I withheld my affection in the same dam that withheld my criticism is the pinched face that made it all turn to muck.  Mucky muck.


Patience, now there's an interesting thing.  Those good things that are said to come to those who wait, I'm not so sure that it isn't just the left overs that come to those who wait.  That much is taken by those who seize the day.  So if I am not going to seize the day I must be sure I am enjoying the wait, for the reward at the end might not, in this higgle-di-piggle-di mixup metaphor, be a whole hill of beans.

Unexpected intimacy
There is an intimacy working at the checkout, casting an eye over the products can,...

December 23
Now there are many posts in this chain, I believe streak is the pore appropriate word, I...
