044 :: As if not spoken aloud

Peter and Naomi sat in silence at the end of the garden.  The Thames on the one end and the house on the other.  Surrounded by opulence.  

I am going to do it.  It is going to work.  I cannot say it like Barneby could.  I am not a storyteller like him but that does not matter.  What truly matters is that I believe in the goodness of people.  I believe people can care for each other.  (Peter)

Peter continued to type on his Skroll.  Naomi ignored him.  She lay on her blanket with the cushion beneath her head.

There used to be movements.  People used to try to make things better.  They tricked us into stopping by making us think we had all we wanted.  Needed.  That if we are unhappy it is our fault.  If we are unhappy here is the solution.  You do not like your dinner then here is an instameal.  You do not like meat then here is a vinstameal.  You do not like sex then here is an au pair.  Every need is satiated.  At least if you were one of the lucky ones.  Nothing has changed.  Three thousand years and nothing has changed mother fucker.  What happened to movements.  What happened to the people who cared.  What happened to doing nice things.  What happened to giving.  What happened to the joy of giving.  What happened to sharing. (Peter)

Peter stopped.  He poked holes in the ground between the paving stones with a short stick.

They broke it.  I do not know how they knew what to do by they broke it.  They broked the internet dream.  They used the internet dream to pervert it.  Did you know the internet was going to be our final freedom.  Free the information and our freedom will follow.  It is there if you look hard enough.  Everything you ever need to know at your fingertips.  How powerful does that make you.  How powerful does that make everyone.  But they turned it about so they knew everything about us and they used it against us.  They recorded everything in their paranoid way.  They did not know why they were recording everything but they knew they had to do it because they could do it.  Then they built the algorithms to find our weaknesses.  They used our weaknesses to turn us into believers.  Believers in the new aquirism.  Nothing but the newest will do.  The fake is genuine.  When they captured our desires they had the power.  Mad fucking power.  Nothing is hidden once you have the right algorithm.  I have read they have algorithms to find the right algorithm.  Algorithms that will write algorithms that will find the right algorithm that will find your weakness.  That will use your weakness to turn you into a believer.  And for those who do not want to believe they have the algorithm to watch you.  And the algorithm tells the fixer to fix you.  That is was Miller does.  Miller and the Millermen will fix you in the way they know how.  That is why no one says his name.  It is so fucked up. (Peter)

Naomi did not say anything.  Peter looked down at her.  He saw she was asleep.  He stopped talking.  He closed the blue screen on his Skroll.  He started flicking through Barneby clips.

It is a good thing you were asleep.  It sounded a lot better in my head. (Peter)


045 :: Bathing Diane
Naomi lay asleep on the lower terrace.  Peter woke her. Diane will be home...

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