Safety in numb

The safety of being in the herd is a safety of the herd, not the safety of the individual. But I guess the safety in the numbers is really about mental health, because we aren't really as cruel as those evil public school boys trope, such cruelty is taught, natural competition is not vile, though the lesson is not always taught consciously.  Today I am numb as I do not feel part of my herd.


Images from the news collaged together; or...  If only we were able to tell the truth in the exciting was as a good piece of fiction unfolds.  If only we were storytellers in training, encouraged round the campfire of youth to tell our days in interesting ways, rather than encouraged into competition.  Of course, some would be better at telling the tale.  And some would not have much aptitude, but perhaps they still could be appreciated.

Fortunes favourites
Yes, well, we all know whonfoetune favours, and it is not I.  Today much of my day...

March 24
March is here today and today is the first step in my march towards a more Zen...
