Restricting practise

About three quarters through the day today I was struck with the dilemma: how much do I restrict people.  A dilemma that needs to be broken into small manageable details, for as a whole.dilemma it is just overwhelming.  And once I have thought of all the people I possibly restrict I will be in a position to evaluate the restrictions I impose and decide if I am going to do anything about it.  And then what about society in general, I can easily say I don't restrict society, but maybe I restrict society by not fighting the restrictions I don't believe in.  Oh, what an overwhelming task troubling over freedom is.


Perhaps it is better to take a decision and get it wrong than to wait for the perfect evidence of all the pieces at play, but that is not how this tired mind works.  This morning I wondered if she didn't like a situation, or perhaps she was just a little tired.  But I didn't say: hey, what's up.  I said nothing and life slipped on by.

Expectations.  They lead to disappointments when I let them expectations fill up...

November 23
Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is...
