For the nude

She said what she didn't like about the books was there was only nude women, no nude men.  And I agree, I love looking at the nude form for so many reasons.  For beauty, and capturing for a moment the line and pattern that is desired and appealing.  For erotic, that sexual, base urge driving my rutting instincts.  For intimacy, the act of sharing that which is usually hidden.  For distraction, as simple as I am and sometimes the need for the distraction can be a sensible one.  For inspiration, the hope of trying to be a better me.  For amusement, particularly when I have not been a better me, it helps to lift my spirits.  And I am going to try to put all of this into the Amoral.

May 24
May I?  Wouldn't it be simply the most delightful idea to give answering the...