
Then I said, my son travelled to Edinburgh to get a tattoo, and the customer was happy because not only had I remembered her name and reached for her order without her saying anything but also I had shared a little personal information. I wonder if my son will mind my sharing this information.  I wonder if I should have shared that I am old enough to have a son getting a tattoo. 


I noted your knickers, hanging, as they do, in the bathroom.  I noted your knickers but did not think anything until I read Grace's words and thought maybe that was the way it was for you too, that your knickers in the bathroom means you feel at home.  You are at home.

A little change
Change, I tell you.  The thing I need to do, the thing that will make it all a lot...

November 23
Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is...
