Knight of Cups

Opportunity or arrival, a new approach or being approached newly in emotion and intuition in water.


And here the knight arrives on a fine, dark steed holding out a cup, a single cup that has travelled from afar.  What else would be as important to bering in this cup than love.  Oh what a beautiful feeling it would be to receive a cup brimming with love, although this knight, your knight, has come a long way and it is the nature of riding a horse, even the finest, darkest steed, that cup is not full to the brim.  Nonetheless, you put the pro-offered cup to your lips and drink down the sweet nectar, oh what a rush, what a feeling of love spreading through your body, the sensual healing, perhaps nearly overwhelming and you sit down for a minute, and nap for an hour.  And when you wake the sensual feeling is gone, the cup is empty, but the knight still stands there, patient, awaiting your action, your command, perhaps.  And you realise love was not the feeling of that devine nectar in the cup, love was the devotion of bringing the cup to you.  Love is a behaviour not a feeling.

Love is a behaviour
And here the knight arrives on a fine, dark steed holding out a cup, a single cup that...

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