Ritually Speaking

Habits and rituals have such a strong place in lubricating the social, when there has been a gap then the rituals are more noticeable, more notably different to yesterday, or the day before. But some of those rituals are a little bad, ways to avoid the inevitable. 


Sometimes, although more often than I would like to admit, I find myself terribly weary.  I was weary today, and thought to myself, well who else would I think to, I thought perhaps I should give up paying interest in football as then I would not need to stay up late to watch the highlights show. Priorities change, assessments of needs may change too.

Not this time
There were moments in the pleasure when I felt a sadness, a loss, a general premonition...

December 22
Twenty two is in the last run, all that rains is festivity and party, present and feasts,...
