And me

And together we were reading a tale I was pretty sure I was the only one who had experiences similar to the protagonist, but I didn't say anything about my experience, all I tried to do was give my reaction to the text.  But the problem was I thought the protagonist was a nob, an arse, a bit of a self-pitying, over aggrandising dick who felt himself superior for his intelligent thought, a bit like me.


So, this slipping by. This not taking opportunities, I wonder if your question was about us or the group.  How will we make Christmas ok, and I answered for the group, but perhaps I should have answered for us.  I am not sure it can be ok with us, not while I am convinced you think badly of me. Not while I think you tolerate my inadequacy rather than enjoy my company.  A confusing note for confusion 

Baking cookies, carefully measuring the ingredients but then banging in a little more of this, or that, because the consistency doesn't seem quite right (oh no, too much oats, well, can't take it out now).  Then setting the temperature, setting the timer and preparing the next nine.  Just nine at a time as I don't want the cookies to touch.  Buzz, and taking the cookies out thinking they don't look right, surely a little longer, a little more golden.  But no, a minute cooling and they have settled into their shape.  And taste.  Yes.  This is what a cookie should taste like.

Tick the ticks
Like an advert of a young slip of a thing dancing, gliding between flowers skipping down...

December 23
Now there are many posts in this chain, I believe streak is the pore appropriate word, I...
