Memory and forgetting

I wonder if I am forgetting things.  I wonder if I am forgetting more things than I used to forget.  I cannot remember when I gave up meat, less than a year ago and I cannot remember when that was.  I think I have been having the pins and needles in my left hand for about a week now, but I cannot remember exactly.  And today I forgot I was going to the hardware store to buy an extractor fan.  Thing about forgetting is than remember I have forgotten makes me feel anxious.  Would it be better not even to remember I had forgotten.


Snippets, like walking part the dead bird, the bird in the street hit by a car, a pigeon, the body and amorphous form, smashed, pulverised, not like the body of a chicken, a roast chicken to be served with potatoes and other root veg.

Then I remembered a conversation I had from so long ago, about M telling me about talking to a friend about the shape of a dead bird.  Thing is the conversation ended in a drawn out pause as if M needed to say something more. But could not think what that was.

Duck le jaune
It must be good to be a duck in weather like this.  Not only is the water off your...

February 24
So, there is this issue.  It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many...
