Subtle art

Once again it is all getting a little slower, a little more, a little more and then we wait a little longer and what is it all about? I should not stress out about doing kind things for others, I should not worry about what impression I am giving, no more posing for the sake of posing. That is what I got from the subtle art of not giving a fuck.


Dumn, du dumn, du dumn, there is a little shuffle and the day goes on, on and on, and there is a little enjoyment to be had in this lovely wander through another short paragraph that is devoid of meaning because, quite frankly, much of life is just a flat line of boredom.

Always expected
They said the troubles, they said apartheid, they said it was different, and it was,...

May 23
A fitting way to start a new month is to take the next step, one foot in front of the...
