But is it mine?

Let's get back to that painting: I was working from a list of words, themed words.  There were various lists, themed lists.  And for each word, and the synonyms for that word I looked for pictures that people had titled, tagged, listed, marked, etc., with that word or synonyms for that word.  It was a way of outsourcing the inspiration for the painting, so can I still claim the painting as mine?


I sought the time to read today, but all I managed was a chapter in the morning and another in the evening.  It is not that I had a busy day, rather an unproductive day in which life was out of focus, and so the few things I was doing in my not busy day dragged

Dot dot
There are so many ways to pass the time without anything to show for it when the time is...

May 23
A fitting way to start a new month is to take the next step, one foot in front of the...
