March 23

This month I will have to read even more novels than I did last month if I am to finish my list. Oh what a lovely list.  I am giving up sugar again this month, I think it gives me more energy to avoid sugar. And at the end of the night I am just going to sleep without any treats.


Seeing depression
When asked if I am depressed I have to think am I depressed, shall I let this wave of...

Busy busy crash
Well now, the end of the week is here, and what a long week it has been.  Many, so...

Life book
Treating onther people the way you want them to treat you is all well and noble, but...

Once again we go over the same arguments, once again, but I am not sure if we deepened...

Overwhelmed by weariness
Sometimes when overwhelmed by the weariness, sometimes it can be a bit confusing and...

Total Demolition
Watching the fine athletes doing something fantastic on the field and how magnificent...

The Cohens
New voices saying new things, it was the beat poets, or lkj, or, well, there is always a...

Nothing special
Today wasn't anything special, it wasn't a realisation, or a revolution, it was...

Indeed, what a delight it was to chat again.  Like I was drifting, lost, floating...

Digestion digression
A good conversation makes the dinner sit better, perhaps it is all in the mind in...

Silly sausage, too much sitting watching the Tele with the final day of all that brawn,...

Ache and pain
Could it be that I ache for any movement and ache for sitting still or lying down. ...

Always tired
Tired.  It must be quite a thing to have a prolonged illness that forces the patient...

So, to sketch in black and a single colour I will choose a simple image so making it...

Remember me
The thing is about doing my thing and being myself but at the same time making sure that...

Sometimes life is nothing more than steps from one practical matter to the next. ...

This was today
There is a strange leisurely joyfulness to be found in doing rather dull things...

Believe it
Strangely, while painting the walls, the cupboard started questioning my...

Ambition for breakfast
The day started with great ambition, as should all days for if there is no ambition at...

Joy of an idea
So this is something that happens.  I have an idea, and at that point there is...

April 23
Another month slipping into this year, and, sure, I am going to read numerous more books,...
