
In this game the currency in which the cost needs paying is ignoring rudeness, spite and callousness.  It is such a common currency it should have a name.  A word for it, perhaps one day someone will go to the theatre and see the story play out and then say to themselves, I will take the name of that play as a shorthand for this agreement for while I might have agreed to the currency I would never have thought the cost would be this high.


I am still on the roundabout spinning, spinning, not sure if I am trying to get to France.  The only time I have is to swap and fly, and spend a fair old wodge.  Today I put in a bit of effort and travelled a fair hour each way to spend ten minutes admiring a friend's cake stand.  It was admirable, and while.thw trip was a waste of time it made me feel good that my friend wass happy.

A beautifully told story, it must be said.  It must be read, it must.  Here in...

December 23
Now there are many posts in this chain, I believe streak is the pore appropriate word, I...
