April 24

Motivate, motivation, motivated.   This month I would like to reflect on my days with the thoughts of the emotive sayings and thoughts I claim are my inspiration, and work those ideas into little stories, with their beginnings, mixes and endings.  Oh how inspiring!

You are never too old
Maybe all those fine words and inspiration to me composed by the aging and the old should...

Despite the Uncertainties
Images from the news collaged together or, ...  A thought about letting go of...

The sum
I heard that success is the sum of small efforts, but I didn't hear how many small...

Being first
Winning does not always mean being first, as a youth I had dreamed of being first. ...

Fun is good
It is good to take the time to have a little fun, sometimes that fun is in the work we...

A Deeply Broken System
A male nude partially frames, or ... Well, the system makes be broke, the taxes are a...

Shared earlier
There is no joy in possession except through sharing.  Of course it is not as...

From the pit
Then he said you can't give up on yourself there is always a way our and I said well,...

Wreaking Havoc
Collaging together images from the news, or...I read that nothing beats hard work, but...

Calm the storm
It has long been that I have stopped trying to calm the storm, the storm blows with fury...

No farewell words
While I drove you to the airport I thought about goodbyes.  The oldest memory of...

Breath is the power behind all things, I heard it on the radio.  A programme about...

Everyone's problem and time is running out
A nude male figure with a chair and other words, or...  Well, sleep, really. ...

Long life
I heard for a long life you have to give up the things that make you want a long life,...

Spring clean
A clean house is the sign of an ordered mind, so I decided to clean the house. ...

Swallowing Conkers
Collaging together images from the news, or...  Waves, happiness comes in...

So, if life revolves around the way we are paid, that is the point of contention. ...

Old dogs
So, I wonder if the old dog doesn't learn the new trick because the old dog cannot be...

Swan off on Jollies
A male nude figure with other words, or...  on their jollies they would have had the...

No listener
No story lives unless someone wants to listen.  The first time I told the story it...

Highlights package
Good days and bad days, and throughout what I was learning was the anecdotes I might tell...

On Suspicion
Images from the news collaged together, or... Later, sometimes art reflects life. ...

The maid
In the drama when the protagonist was being caught again in the cycle of anger and...

Storytime flow
Initially I had nothing to say, I thought about what had happened and there was nothing I...

Sporting battlefields
The training uses equity, but in this situation I am happy with equality: if I follow the...

Spring poem
I read a poem today about spring, about spring coming again a year after the last: a time...

As I allocate the server space to the unordered thoughts of the year I hope that,...