Goodbye Anger

There is only one thing to put off for tomorrow: anger.  And if I could always put it off then, perhaps, I would be a little more calm.  The thing that makes me the most angry is not being appreciated, being taken for granted.  Being disregarded, discarded and left behind with little more than a turn of the head.  Goodbye, and goodbye anger.


I know it is a metaphor, but I seem to be only eating bread these days.  Cheese sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, hummus, salad, hot cross bun, panini.  I am a bit bored of these foods, I would like something different, something more exciting but what can I do, beans isn't the best.

March is here today and today is the first step in my march towards a more Zen life.  I shall try to meditate daily on a positive, proactive step towards happiness and a happier me.  Spring is the time for blossoms and new growth and so shall it be for myself too.  I accept I may embrace the pithy, but so be it.  

Six Defeats
Ink drawing of images from the news or Out of sight, there is so much more that it out...

March 24
March is here today and today is the first step in my march towards a more Zen...
