014 :: Watchers

Today I am going to show you the house.  Then I will teach you what to do.  The rules are do what you have to do to make them happy.  There are two masters.  John and Diane.  Diane makes up the rules.  John watches.  Mostly watches.  Sometimes he joins in.  It may be different for you.  That is what happens with me. (Peter)

They sat for a moment.  Peter examined his hands.  Naomi waited for Peter to talk.  Peter looked at the floor.  He was trying to work out how to phrase a question.  He had not worked in an au pair team before.  Not many people can afford two au pairs.  Both masters had good jobs.  It was an equality thing.  Probably.

Did the agency explain what an au pair does. (Peter)

Yes.  Sex. (Naomi)

Okay.  And the thing I will do is teach you English. (Peter)

He stood up.  

Remember everything you do is recorded.  This is an important house.  There are always watchers. (Peter)

He opened the bedroom door.

Through this door is work.  Always remember this.  You step through the door and you are at work.  Shall I show you the house now. (Peter)

What is a watcher. (Naomi)

Peter closed the bedroom door.  He sat on the bed.

Whenever the algorithm finds a warning in either action or words a watcher checks the recording.  If the watcher thinks something is wrong they will bring you in for an interview.  It is because John has an office here.  A registered secure documents room.  You must never go into his office. (Peter)

Peter looked at Naomi.  Frowned.

The computer.  The AI.  The cameras.  It is always watching.  Sometimes people watch too.  They watch to see you do not do anything wrong.  To see you follow the rules all the time. (Peter)

Yes. (Naomi)

Naomi stood.  She rested a hand on his arm.  She kissed his cheek.  She stepped passed him.  Opened the door.  She stepped out of the room.

I at work. (Naomi) 

Naomi walked up the stairs.


015 :: The House
Peter followed Naomi up the stairs.  She led them to a very large room.  The...

The Au Pair
Set in a dystopian near future, an au pair comes to London hoping to lift her life from a...
