Joy of an idea

So this is something that happens.  I have an idea, and at that point there is nothing more exciting than the idea, I can take my time and aim for the idea, I can rush home and start the idea.  Then I am doing it and at some point I lose the joy of the idea.  I lose it suddenly and irrevocably.  And for a while I can drag myself on with the protestant work ethic but without the joy of the idea.  And then I stop.


The day started with great ambition, as should all days for if there is no ambition at the start how does the ambition fire up.  The day, as a whole, has to be considered to have trundled by, all the parts were there but there was nothing exceptional about today.

April 23
Another month slipping into this year, and, sure, I am going to read numerous more books,...

March 23
This month I will have to read even more novels than I did last month if I am to finish...
