WOLF arrived at the front door not knowing what was awaiting within. If you asked, WOLF would struggle to recall the past, WOLF would make a joke about this being a senior moment. Even if you asked about WOLF's arrival, about anything before the moment of holding the invitation at the front door, WOLF would shrug. WOLF might say, this was due to the excitement about what might be inside, for WOLF remembers nothing before that moment.
The invitation
The invitation is in his left hand. And in his right his phone for checking the...
On deception and gullibility
the action of deceiving someone: "obtaining...
The Rules
The naked man with a wolf mask wearing a lovely coat pulls a suitcase into a room. It is...
On choices of the lithe
an act of choosing between two or more possibilities.:"the choice...
On the conceit of the boast
excessive pride in oneself: "he was puffed up with...
On righteous entitlement
morally right or justifiable: "feelings of righteous...
On tyranny and excuses
cruel and oppressive government or rule: "refugees...
WOLF alone
Alone in a room is the diminutive figure of WOLF. Lying still. Viewed from different...
On clothing notoriety
clothes collectively: "bring warm clothing and...
An exploration of hedonism and failure through the retelling of some of the oldest and...