Full attention

Do they really want to retire to the seaside town?  Or to the country where everybody knows your name because everybody is not many folk and the folk there are have nothing better to do than ask them how they are doing.  How are you all doing today?  He like chatting to the old biddies as long as he can do something while he is chatting.  That is the good thing about working in a shop: do shit while talking to customers.  He hates it when he has to show his full attention.  I wonder why that is.


Images from the news collaged together, or... He thought about it, he thought about it most days.  And like most days, once again he couldn't decide.  Once again the idea of starting again was onerous, but there seemed to be no way of fixing the rut he was in.  No way of getting the wheels of his life turning in ant other direction except along this dreary swamp.  And to the left, to the right, all about him there were the people stuck in their euts, parallel ruts.  Some of them happy, chipper, like they liked the rut, the certainty it gave them.  Who would they vote for now?

Maya I? Indeed you should. I shall then, thank you. Oh boy was I glad that I did. The...

May 24
May I?  Wouldn't it be simply the most delightful idea to give answering the...
