Something for me

Edgy on the edge, nine notes in and I have not worked out a plan, perhaps I should think about what I would like to say in a story and try to put together a string, a wire frame of ideas for drawing, thoughts about drawings, that build into a collection of interesting sketches that may only mean something to me, but they might mean something to me.


It is so much better to watch a game that is won through wonderful play than to watch a game lost by errors and dispirited performance.  I guess the psychologists can get in there and lift the spirits so that the next time the game is played well whereas I am not sure what can be done to beat a better team.

Matriarchs ltd
So, the family unit is regularly kept strong and robust by the matriarch, the figure who...

September 23
Summer has ended and I feel the autumnal crisis approaching with the rain preparing the...
