In our likeness.

When I was young I expected I would matter, specifically, I would matter in a way that is remembered.  A long time into they future they would remember me, longer than for great deeds, it would need to be profound words.  Like Confucius, I don't know Confucian but I know Confucius says...  I wonder did he really say.  Anyway, now I am older I get that none of us say words profound enough to be immortalised.  All we do is love life and maybe the storytellers will conspire to create a tale in our likeness.


A little laughter, it is good for a lot of things, I wonder if it is indeed a good medicine.  I think there are certain occasions where I would rather have modern medicine than a little laughter.  A little silliness and a little tipsy-ness both have a fine effect on laughter.  Love it. 

I agreed
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December 23
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