028 :: First Morning Duties

Naomi woke before the alarm.  She sat up.  Bold red figures appeared on the wall.  Five minutes.  She got up.  She peed.  She wet the cloth as she sat on the toilet.  She cleaned between her legs.  Right back to her arse.  She rinsed the cloth and wrung it out.  She tied up her hair.  She splashed water on her face.  Brushed her teeth.  She looked at herself in the mirror.

She stepped out of the cubicle.  She put on a kimono and sat on the bed.  She opened her Skroll.  She flicked through the symbols.  She opened LearnE.  An app for learning English.  She worked through the first screen.  Easy.  Introductions always are.


Peter sat up.

I will show you how to make the coffees. (Peter)

Naomi tapped on the translate symbol.  She nodded.

You should not wear anything in here.  It knows. (Peter)

Peter pointed up when he spoke.  Naomi read her words.  She took off the kimono.  She did not say anything.  Peter got up to piss.  He brought the lube out of the cubicle.

Have you lubed. (Peter)

She shook her head.  She squeezed lube onto her finger.  Peter went to the kitchen.  She put her hand between her legs then followed a moment later.  Peter handed her a small jug of water.  He pointed to the DiLonghi.  He showed her how to open the water reserve.  Indicated she should tighten it more.  He gave her one scoop of coffee beans.  He handed her the coffee grinder.  Pointed to the lights.  He showed her where to tip the ground coffee.  Tapped it down.

Wipe the grinder.  Put it away.  First. (Peter)

Peter wiped the grinder.  He put it away.  He filled the jug with milk.

First milk.  The noises usually wake up Diane. (Peter)

He guided her hand to froth the milk.  He directed her for the coffee.  Espresso cup on the left.  Cappuccino cup on the right.  Then the frothy milk.  He gave her the cloth to clean the DiLonghi.  She cleaned the jug.  Put it on the drainer.

Peter touched her arm.

You will be fine. (Peter)

Peter watched Naomi climb the stairs to Diane’s bedroom.  Watched her place the espresso on the small table.  He nodded to her before she turned to enter Diane’s room.  She carried the cappuccino to the bedside table.  Put it down.  Paused.  Unsure.  She looked about the room.  She picked up the clothes discarded the night before.  She dropped them down the laundry chute.   She crossed to the bed.  She gently lifted the sheet from Diane.  Diane was naked.  She opened her eyes.  She looked at Naomi in a dreamy state.  Trying to make sense of what she saw.  She worked it out.  Smiled.  She reached for her Skroll.  Checked John.  He was awake.  He was on his way up.

Naomi touched Diane.  On her side.  She ran her finger down to her thigh.  She stroked her leg.  Diane spread her legs a little.  Naomi stroked up to her stomach.  Running a finger along her stretch marks.  Diane pulled Naomi’s hand onto her breast.  Naomi leant down.  She took the left nipple into her mouth.  Clasped her right breast.  Squeezed it like she was squeezing a pump.  Pump.  Pump.  Pump.  Pump.  Diane closed her eyes.   Pump.  Pump.  Pump.  Pump.  Lay back.   Pump.  Pump.  Pump.  Pump.  Neither of them saw John watching from the doorway.   Pump.  Pump.  Pump.  Pump.  Diane reached for the hand on her breast.  She directed towards her legs.  Naomi ran her fingers over Diane’s  vulva.  She pinched her outer lips. 

Oh.  Yes. (Diane)

Naomi kept suckling on the nipple.  She pushed one finger into Diane while rubbing up and down her vulva.  She sucked her tit.  She fingered her cunt.  Diane pushed down on the top of her head.  Naomi shifted.  Her face between Diane’s legs.  Her head started bobbing.  Up.  Down.  Up.  Down.  

Oh. (Diane)

Naomi’s head bobbed.  Up.  Down.  She shifted onto her knees between Diane’s legs.  Her arms under Diane’s bum.  Her bum in the air.

Faster. (Diane)

Naomi’s head bobbed at the same pace.  Up.  Down.  John sipped his coffee.  His cock in his other hand.  Hard.

Faster.  Please.  Faster. (Diane)

Naomi’s head bobbed at the same pace.  Up.  Down.  John put down his coffee.  He walked towards the bed.

Faster you little bitch. (Diane)

Now.  Now.  We should not use such language. (John)

Sorry.  Sorry.  I just need it a little faster.  Please. (Diane)

I bet she will go faster if I stick my cock in her. (John)

Do it.  Do it now. (Diane)

John dribbled spit onto his hand.  He rubbed it on his cock. 

Push down to make her come closer to me. (John)

Diane wriggled down.  Naomi shuffled back.  They lined up.  Diane lifted her head. John smiled at her.  Diane nodded.  John thrust into Naomi’s pussy.  Naomi jerked up.  She looked back at John fucking her.  She steadied herself.  She turned back to Diane’s pussy.  She slipped a finger in.  She licked her more.  Up.  Down.

Jesus she is wet.  She must enjoy your jilly. (John)

They moved together.  John thrust.  Naomi bobbed.  John thrust.  Naomi bobbed. 

I am ready for you big man. (Diane)

John withdrew his cock.  He guided Naomi away.  She stood.  John took her place.  He spoke quietly.  As if Naomi was not there.  As if Naomi had never been there.

Good morning my love. (John)

Naomi stood.  She watched for a moment.  Watched John’s arse gyrate.  Left.  In.  Right.  Out.  She reached between her legs.  Withdrew her hand.  Looked at it.  Turned.  Left the room.  Down the stairs to their bedroom.  Peter was not there. 


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