There are so many ways to pass the time without anything to show for it when the time is passed. Pass it this way or that, sing a song, write a note, post a letter, buy some groceries, roast a chicken eat a bite or two, and a couple biscuits, and a slice of bread with the left over gravy, and watch the TV while writing items in French.
Let's get back to that painting: I was working from a list of words, themed words. There were various lists, themed lists. And for each word, and the synonyms for that word I looked for pictures that people had titled, tagged, listed, marked, etc., with that word or synonyms for that word. It was a way of outsourcing the inspiration for the painting, so can I still claim the painting as mine?
May 23
A fitting way to start a new month is to take the next step, one foot in front of the...