Clever enough

And so the day is filled with small tasks making a minor difference, this is, of course, the nature of life.  It is only in stories and storytelling that events of a significant nature happen in an orderly, or perhaps disorderly fashion, for both could be entertaining if the tale is clever enough.  But even storytelling has rules that cannot be broken, and details.that take time to fulfil. 


In Damascus there was a war, and the Damascus Station gave a reasonable, readable story of standard spy fare that fitted with the facts I knew, or think I know, about Syria.  Nothing more.  And the problem with a thriller is they insist on telling you everything, I would rather know nothing at all.

There are so many good books published every year, there are so many g9d stories to...

April 23
Another month slipping into this year, and, sure, I am going to read numerous more books,...
