December 22

Twenty two is in the last run, all that rains is festivity and party, present and feasts, cracker and jokes that may not be particularly funny but at which we will all laug by, or perhaps groan.



Torn to pieces
And she asked again, by this time I was paying her scanty attention, and though I knew...

Long and strange
What does it mean anyway? Discombobulated, I guess that is how I feel but I would have to...

Just do more
Weary, and at the end of the day I feel like there is no movement towards doing anything...

Darkness spiral
And now adding colour, do you remember the meat packing glitteratti?  Do you...

Appearing denuded
Posturing, covering up the insecurities and fears with bravado, but perhaps I should no...

More Disciplined
And again the time between clearing and cleaning after the meal and an early night seems...

Biological machines
Is monogamy such a strange concept, is it like a whale stranded in the high street, is it...

Asleep story
Sometime later I will awaken into this story, then I shall only remember the other, not...

Sleep story
Sometimes, not often, I feel like I haven't slept no matter how long I have slept...

The disconnect
There seems to be this disconnect between the reality as I observe it, the hierarchy and...

Game of Tag
What I would like to say is there is nothing you can do to help or make it better, but...

Take and give
The fine art of a conversation, it is about bringing together the moment while keeping...

There was a small flutter, a tiny distraction, then we were left without an option, when...

False economy
So what is this all about, this guilt I feel about having an easy life only to be...

Significant Aggregates
What is it all about, so what is the significance of this moment, what is the sum of...

There was a time of laughter, and there was a time without. Sometimes it feels like the...

Of concequence
When I was young I was the person in the book wanting to tell my life through poems I was...

Silent story
The silent twins had each other to talk to and other than a stoned moment or two it was...

Flying and floundering
When having fun, like those folks in the Argentine capital, then the time flies. Today it...

Close to the idea
There is a place, on the mainland of their world, where education aims to develop well...

Annoying contentment
And so soon we will be embarking on another cooking adventure, but it will be just the...

Ear ache resolution
This is now when the next starts, this is this and that is that, but while I know that I...

Push and now push
And now we push, and now we push, and maybe it feels like I have been pushing for so long...

Left behind
And then it felt like I belonged, but maybe it was just the warmth of the red wine...

In my eyes only
There is a great deal of satisfaction to be gained from fixing and reusing, be it the...

Priorities change
Sometimes, although more often than I would like to admit, I find myself terribly...

Ritually Speaking
Habits and rituals have such a strong place in lubricating the social, when there has...

Not this time
There were moments in the pleasure when I felt a sadness, a loss, a general premonition...

Existential despondency
Existence is said to inspire an angst, a dread, a deep anxiety usually an unfocused...

End and Begin
Shortly it will be the moment when we change the number on the year when we write it on...

January 23
So, the time of generating resolutions is here, this arbitrary point when a digit changes...
