FOX has an uncanny sense of the order of things.  If you asked, FOX would say it felt instinctual.  Like knowing how to do things without knowing how the lesson was learned.  Like knowing how to ride a bike but forgetting who taught you how to do it, maybe because you were so young when you were taught, maybe even before your earliest memory.  FOX does not know what lies beyond the door but FOX does know how to step through the door.


A woman approaches the front door, looks about, enters.  A casual observer walking...

On death and respect
THE BEAR AND THE FOX /dɛθ/ the action or fact of dying or being killed; the...

On counting and costs
THE HARES AND THE FOXES counting /ˈkaʊntɪŋ/ taking account of when reaching...

On cunning and connivance
THE SICK LION /ˈkʌnɪŋ/ having or showing skill in achieving one's ends...

The Fox and the Crane
Fox invited Crane for dinner but served bean soup in a broad flat dish the soup...

On the conceit of the boast
THE WOLF AND THE FOX /kənˈsiːt/ excessive pride in oneself: "he was...

On misery and company
THE SPARROW AND THE HARE misery /ˈmɪz(ə)ri/ a state or feeling of great physical...

From the Hunter and the Horseman
EAGLE was the hunter  FOX played the horseman Trotting by and taking the...

On vacuous magnificence
THE FOX AND THE MASK /ˈvakjʊəs/ having or showing a lack of thought or...

On looking and leaping
THE FOX AND THE GOAT /ˈlʊkɪŋ/ having a specified appearance:"a...

On familiarity and content
THE FOX AND THE LION /fəˌmɪlɪˈarɪti/ close acquaintance with or...

On assumed collaboration
THE ASS, THE FOX AND THE LION /əˈsjuːm/ suppose to be the case, without proof:...

House of Masks
Welcome to the house of masks, an exploration of hedonism and failure through the...
