001 :: A Record of Facts

Her first words in London were to a border guard.  A nondescript looking man.  Old.  Grey hair.  Stood behind the passport control gate.  The guard at the gate called him over.   She gave him her iPass.  He smiled at her.  He wore a nametag.  Hank.  Written in marker.

English. (Hank)

She shook her head but clearly understood him.

Only little. (Unregistered Migrant) 

She spoke as if she was surprised by her voice.  She probably had not spoken for a long time.  It is more difficult to track before she got to London.  The data is not marked up well outside London.  There is no record of her speaking on the plane.  There is no note of her tipping the air stewards.  There is a steward note of the man in the seat next to her.  A complaint about waiting for a drink. 

There is a note of her saying goodbye before her flight.  There is always a record of the last person a passenger talks to.  Mandatory.  Her record showed she was seen off by her sister.  A high quality photo of a young woman.  Pretty.  Not as pretty as her.  A low quality clip of them walking in the terminal.  Clear enough to show the photo was correct.  Detail.  Home address: Tianjin.  Occupation: Classroom Assistant.  Primary Status: P4 K7.

This is a record of facts.  Not a story of speculation.


002 :: Terms and Conditions
The border guard held up his hand miming lifting a suitcase. Luggage....

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