October 24

Frame and reframe, the autumnal weather is a bedtime symphony, the naked misery is a nudist challenge, the task at hand is an adventurer's challenge, this brown disaster is a painter's wet dream.  Okay, let's not get too carried away, it is a cold month closing from the warm to the cold, the dry to the wet, the light to the dark, let's just try to catch a nice moment in this day.


A mezzanine library
The naked woman with a lamb mask wanders along the mezzanine floor.  There are no...

Perform we must
I remember moments when I have said something funny, when I have genuinely entertained,...

The ritual at the end of the day
It can be in the drink and the chat after where the event is turned into a memory. ...

Not posing threat to life
Inspired by images from the news, or... While we are examining the question we have to...

Turning mundane
Isn't it amusing how mundane life is.  Today might be as exciting an adventure...

Future memories of regret
Once, a very long time ago, I was told to do something greatly instructional but which I...

WOLF alone
Alone in a room is the diminutive figure of WOLF. Lying still. Viewed from different...

Doubts grow over
Naked male figure repeated, or... while the plan was made with consideration of the...

Portrait of a story
While she drew your portrait you told a story, and the story you told informed the...

Traditional storytelling
And so the plan went wrong, there was a little flutter and a scurry of panic but you...

Guilt is overwhelming
Collaging together images from the news, or... perhaps, investigating the feeling behind...

Be not a pest
It is simple, the thing you need to do is be interested in the other person, whomever...

The joy of competitiveness
Oh, the joy of competitiveness.  A while ago, longer than I care to note, it was the...

A woman approaches the front door, looks about, enters.  A casual observer walking...

This is the narrative
So if this was a male narrative would it be a linear progression from foreplay to orgarm,...

On the conceit of the boast
THE WOLF AND THE FOX /kənˈsiːt/ excessive pride in oneself: "he was...

Discharges breached permits
A naked male figure, or... 

Empowering the undermined
It is a tricky thing empowering people, it is far easier for a leader to undermine than...

Essential Supplies
Inspired by images from the news, or... while we keep pushing, while we keep trying,...

The beautiful writing
I noticed the stack of papers, an attractive yet simple handwriting, a series of small...

Exaggerated after strike
A nude male figure on a bed of words, or... a subtle change was made in the...

Zen in a tent
She used the phrase zen in a tent and I thought that was a nice description.  Since...

The words were spoken
It was said, the words were spoken.  It does not matter that the words were spoken...

After we attack
Images from the news collaged together, or... is this a filling up of yet younger and...

Purely decorative
It was a beautiful thing, I hear there are fewer people than ever who understands the...

Here is the cure
A nude male figure with words, or... while we are waiting with anticipation for our...

People we will not hire
Images from the news collaged together, or... 

As I allocate the server space to the unordered thoughts of the year I hope that,...
