White noise

What will it be like when no one knows what the visual equivalent of white noise is.  What will be the shorthand, the visual shorthand when I am no longer in the conversation.  It feels like I am being pushed out of earshot, probably really the conversation is moving away from me and I am just a bit too tired to try to keep up.


Just how it is, just stop. Hop, drop, tip top, words are a flop, slop, crop. Cut it out completely.  And slow, slowly breathe in, gently draw the air, and out.  The words that come back to me, the warning that was given when I may have said something compromising, those words, definite words, those are the words I want spoken about me.  But I will not say those words, and I do not know if they would be true if I did say them, as I haven't said them I don't need to confront their validity.

The trick
I wonder if the trick is to simply think to yourself you are going to enjoy the journey,...

November 23
Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is...
