Endless possibilities

Recovery, each time the fabric it streatched it becomes a little weaker, oh so slightly so it takes many streatches for it to become frayed.  And so it is with my body, all those things are harder to recover.  Smoking first.  Then drinking.  Then junk food.  Then sugars and refined food.  Oh, if there is one thing I miss it is recovery, and, of course, the sense of endless possibilities.


When telling a story is is best to be brought in hand in hand of an accessible character.  And the character, usually the protagonist, leads us through the story, but usually the protagonist is the story.  Is the story just a folly, just a distraction, and are the greatest stories, the ones that change the world, shape humanity, are they just follies or distractions that were in the right place at the right time 

Ho hum
And so trickling along until we hit another end of the day with nothing much done other...

October 23
An so with the darkness knocking at the door patiently waiting for the inevitability of...
