Procrastination and crisis

Is procrastination and crisis a good, healthy approach to take?  I am not sure.  It seems over the years I have procrastinated those difficult decisions over the grumbling dissatisfied in the relationship, dissatisfactions that would lead to moving on, but within the time of procrastination a crisis looma.  The type of crisis in which you cannot give bad news.  Or the type where there is so much to be done there is no time to give the bad news.


I guess that is the way it usually happens.  One person does something, some action, some decision, that they think is fine but the other is put out by it, or angered by it.  Or worse.  The other, in this case, does not say immediately, but takes a while and then, later, the next day when parting, when there is no point of comeback, then the other says something cutting.  And the one is used to this, the one waits for things to settle. But perhaps all of this is a bad ritual.

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