Please hold

Your call is important to us please hold.  But it is not just the call, it is so much more than the call, it is life.  My life was on hold today, for sure.  My life seems to have been on hold other than a few moments, job applications mostly, and there have been periods when I have thought I would amount to something more than I have.  Times when I thought I had meaning, but that hasn't turned out to be true.  But I haven't given up, yet.


Time to meet John, it was written on the paper but she didn't know who John is.  So she said, ok, and just a moment please.  And she came across to me.  Who is John?  I don't know.  Neither do I, why you asking me.  As there is meet John on the piece of paper.  Well, I didn't write it he must have, he must be trying to confuse us, like a chunk of text without paragraphing confuses.  It is all true but none is true.  At the same time.  Yes, isn't it strange what difference a paragraph makes.  Well, let's ask who could help him if John wasn't available.  Yes, life is a practical matter 

October 23
An so with the darkness knocking at the door patiently waiting for the inevitability of...
