Sometimes when writing poems

Sometimes a word, or a phrase, or a repetition, or a rhyme are so beautiful it needs to be worked back into the poem.  I love that moment when I sit for one second then another to absorb it, appreciate it, before jumping back in with renewed energy.  Or the moment when I hear one of the others say the word, the phrase, and I think wow, yes.  And I say yes, fabulous.  We must use that word, phrase again, we must work it into the poem.  I love writing poems with the others but usually I write poems alone.

Change Fiscal Rules
A nudeale figure with a pattern, or... Back there you have to apply the rules as you know...

An exploration of hedonism and failure through the retelling of some of the oldest and...

July 24
This is the month for the summer takeover, the Amoral Crew diarising their days...

An exploration of hedonism and failure through the retelling of some of the oldest and...