All the bits

Helpless, frustrated and angry that nothing I can do makes any difference.  My body flooded with adrenaline, tingle, shake, and my decision making is gone.  This is the thing I don't want to live with, this is a situation that happens again, and again, and this is the situation I have to figure out how to avoid.  How can I take the bad bits out of this life without losing the good bits. 


One day, when I am big I am going to work out what it is that I want to be.  It seems that most of the things I have done I have been reasonably successful, but I have got distracted, disinterested, and become poor at what I was doing.  Run out of motivation because, as I like to tell myself, it is not what I really want to do.  Because what I really want to do is write.  But today I got a bit despondent as I re-read something I wrote last year, and it wad poor.  Piss poor really.

Something kind
It looked like wax, an interesting form but the position gave away it was gunge leaking...

February 24
So, there is this issue.  It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many...
