On compliments and sales

It is such a thing when you recognise my art.  My reaction depends on how I am feeling, the stronger I feel the closer my response gets to nonchalant.  Which is often the case because I would have been so excited by the idea of showing you my art that I am bound to be feeling strong.  But, of course, I wouldn't want to impose my art, or try to solicit your positive response, so, well, I wouldn't have shown you so I would be hanging for any throw away compliment so the wail of hope is all you will hear.  But here it is anyway, let me know what you think and I will do my best to ignore you.


The group invigorates all aspects of my life
I heard about it and though, yeah, sounds like it might be interesting so I came and it...

The Green Room
The actors and players relax for a moment, they talk about what the roles they have...
